Mittwoch, 10. August 2011

4 all my Clerks

Yesterday I found out, that there are a lot of people which are so hell bored, that they used to read my blog during office times. I thinks it's really a pity but on the other hand it's a great feeling to know, that clerks are payed to read my blog.

So this post is for all those who are to lazy to work or as they would call it "work a lot, but there is not enough work". 

Allright I explain you guys now the situation. Probably most of you would like to know, how the hell I broke my nose. Well it's a pretty long story.. Oh yeah, I forgot that you guys have enough time..

about a month ago, I was on a roller coaster not just  any one, it was a huge one.
That day I didn't feel very good because of muscle ache i had from the day before by weight lifting. So I went on the "extreme-cobra-killer-ultimate-machine-shaker-8000" (yeah, that was surely it's name), I didn't feel pretty comfortable 'cause I had one of those bad feelings like in final destination, except that I didn't stop anybody by entering the coaster.

On the coaster it shook me from one side on the other and suddenly the coaster started to lift off the rails and I knew I have to do something before we fall 289 meters (!) to the ground. All the people on the coaster screamed so loud, that I couldn't think or react, it was a noise like in one of those horror movies where the blond, dolly girl runs away from the killer knowing that she has no chance to escape. I saw that the people on the ground looked shocked and feared maybe from their point of view it looked much worse, actually from our point it didn't look better. Then I ripped my security belt off the seat, cling on the side that was lifting and started to hope that my weight was enough to get the coaster back to the rails.. it wasn't. So as the coaster was just about to turn, I took the rail in the same time and started to pull the coaster down. Now it's really necessary to repeat, that I really had a bad muscle ache. Anyway it seemed to work and the coaster got back to the rails, it was a little miracle. I don't know where this strength came from, maybe it was inside me, waiting to be unleashed. 

After another 4 rounds on the coaster (we already paid for it), we got back on the ground. It was a great experience seeing all those families hugging and coming together, others who were calling the boy- or girlfriend telling with tears what happened, policemen and paramedics running around and helping people to overcome the shock and last but not least the drunk guys who couldn't stop to vomit, after this hell of a ride.
Then I saw a firefighter looking at me and starting to clap, more and more people clapped until , as I thought, the whole adventure park was clapping. People came and shook my hand, knowing that I just saved the life of their families, girls came and kissed my cheek (I didn't blush, because it was self-evident, what I did) surprisingly even the mayor was there with a horde of photographers and journalists, congratulating me. 

And then this firefighter came over in slow motion, in the background I heard this epic sound and I just watched this guy and he winked at me. Then he rose his hand and said "Hi5", I wanted to raise mine as well, but I couldn't. After that maltreatment of my body, my muscle didn't listen to me anymore and because this firefighter was still walking in slow motion, he couldn't react fast enough, so he Hi5ed me in the middle of my face and that's the story how I broke my nose.

expect of the last part it was one of my best days ever.

This post was dedicated to Denise, my greatest fan of all my clerks out there. have fun ;)
