Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2013


You might have seen the new design I'm using for my blog and maybe the new fonts, you ask me why? I say YOLO!

Today I would like to post about the word YOLO, which stands for "You Only Live Once". You can hear it everywhere and everybody is posting it and it means that you just should do crazy things because life is to short.

This won't be a long article, I only would like to express my feelings through some pictures. enjoy.

I'm sick of YOLO but the jokes about it are great!



Every man comes to that point in his life when he wants to start up his own Bar. This might sound random to the ladies but every man knows what I'm speaking about.

It goes so far that most men even think about names for their bar.. Men! who can not even think of a name for their own child.. Men! who can not even remember their phone number.. Men! who can not even see that their girlfriend had her hair cut.

And so did I but than I reached a new level.. I wanted to start up my own party label!
Some of you might know that I sometimes work as a bartender on weekends. At the club where I work, they told us that they will have more dates available in future and then it was when I saw my opportunity.
I found parties always a little bit lame and I always thought that when I would through my part, I would mix it with a live concert. Few days later it hit me! the name for the party! I decided on calling it ROCKeteer! Now this is a long story how that name came up but I swear it felt so right when I had that name, I can not explain it but from that moment on I knew I had to do it.

It started everything one step after the other. First I wanted to design the logo, I played a little bit around with some cool fonts I found in internet. Many examples later, I was happy with the result and I though "OMG I need to show that to somebody" and so I showed it to some friends and stuff and they all found it cool. I drew a little concept plan and then I introduced it to my students council. They found it so cool that they wanted to finance (most of it) and implement it this semester and I was like.. wow! I organized a date, I got a band and a guitar player from belgium, I got 3 deejays, I got everything! I designed the flyer (with my little photoshop knowledge) and organized the printing and social media marketing (I'm such a business student, I felt like project planning), I even invented a drink for that party.

And here we are. ROCKeteer is gonna take place in 3 weeks and I'm so looking forward to it!  I can't wait! If you are in Switzerland at that time you need to come and party with us. Come straight to me and tell me that you read my blog and that you think it's cool or it sucks, whatever =)

here's the facebook event for further information:

This is a wake up call for every man! Guys if you wanna have a bar or throw your party, go for it! The experience is worth it!

By the way, here you have the flyer I designed:
