Freitag, 26. November 2010

Against iPhone

OMG you have no idea what I just found out!
8% of all those who visited my blog, did this by iPhone!
I mean, all of my friends know that I really HATE iPhones.
Many people ask me, "why you're not like iJustine, you already have the same blog"
I DON'T! for all those who don't know her.. it's better you don't!
She's just a blonde who likes to film every boring part of her life and post it on YouTube on one of her 3 Channels. She is kind of successful, but.. i don't get it! It's just nonsense what she's talking about, because every 2nd video is about how great iPhone is.
And there is the difference, I do talk about stuff which is important, which helps you to survive in urban situations, about daily problems of young adults, and more.. (not yet but I promise I will..) and she don't!
So please, dear people.. I'm happy that you are so interested on my blog but.. don't read it on iPhone!


Samstag, 20. November 2010

Fashion consequences

Today I'm going to tell you a story, a true story, about a guy 20 years old.
It's necessary to know that it's really a true story as I already told.
Once he met a girl, long legs and funny, a nice one.
They had much fun together, from this moment on.
Seemed to be like they're coming together may.
She had brown eyes by the way.
He asked her out for next Saturday night.
She looked even better under the moons light.
They went to the city's most glamourous club.
After they visited Mc'Clarens pub.
Before entering the club something happened to him
The clubs bouncers didn't let him in.
Because of his baskets he spent the night alone.
About the girl.. She had fun with a guy, as the "Casanova" known.
The moral of this Story: Stay always nice dressed.. true story!

Freitag, 12. November 2010

Pre Start

Hallo zusammen

Es ist soweit, ich habe meinen ersten BLOG eröffnet. Ab jetzt bin ich auch ein Mitglied der Cyber-Gesellschaft.
In diesem Blog erfahrt Ihr das neuste aus Urban Survival.
An dieser Stelle, danke an die Leute die mich dazu motiviert haben, unter anderem Bear Grylls. Ausserdem danke ich meinem Bruder bei der Verarbeitung des Logos (obwohl ich ja alles selbst gemacht habe).

Hoffe Ihr habt Spass dabei und wenn es euch gefällt dann kommentiert und abonniert das ganze!  =)
