Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011

Mojo Surf

Because I'm leaving soon I thought I need my last surf experience so I decided to attend the Mojo Surf trip from Friday to Sunday.

Please do not ask me about the location otherwise I have to kill you!
..seriously I have no Idea they called it "Spot X" but it was on the east coast that I know, because the sunrise was over the sea.

It all started at Friday night I took my flatmates board which is just called "the banana" because it's so small and thin. I knew it's gonna be difficult to surf on it .. for a noob but I as a pro wouldn't have any problems with it (in fact I'm a noob as well, but that's another story..).
We went to the bus stop and as every Aussie, the bus came late.. finally he arrived and bus was just awesome! We looked like professional sponsored surfers on our way to an international competition. In the bus we watched "forgetting Sarah Marshal" but the DVD player lacked so it was a half of enjoyment.

We arrived at Spot X after a journey of about 4 hours. It was a campsite with bungalows. All of the Staff there looked like you imagine a surfer. After we arrived there we put on a surfer mentality, means a kind of easy-going-always-relaxed-I don't-give-a-fuck-what-time-it-is-or-how-I'm-smellling Style (actually the last part was just to lengthen the word).
To be honest I was a little confused about the time too because it's another timezone over there which means it's one hour later than our time but I didn't want to change it because I'd feel disloyal. If we were hungry we just watched the position of the sun to say if it was time or not (which worked surprisingly better than we thought). We arrived at about 2 in the morning and we were so tired but we went to the fire to talk and watch the stars after we went to the bungalow were we kept doing shit and joking until 4 or 5 in the morning. 

Poor girl which tried to wake us up at 8 for breakfast she must feel offended after she accepted that we wouldn't stop to ignore her. Anyway we went for breakfast just a little later after that we took our boards and stuff to go to the beach. The beach just in front of the camp was more for beginners and were the surf lessons were held. But we went to another one we just called it, the behind the rocks beach. because there were many rocks between those 2 beaches. the first day we took the way through the rocks as we were walking towards them we've seen a man walking his dog he said there are pretty good waves today, so we made our way over the rocks. it was very impractical to try to climb with boards in the hands and it seemed to get more difficult and more difficult you actually need a climbing gear to manage this situation and tried it without knowing where we are going, we were just like in the movie "endless summer" on our mission to find the perfect wave, that was part of the surf-mentality. Anyway after a while of climbing we came to a point where we couldn't go any further so we went up the hill, what we've seen there was a beautiful view over the whole way we did and the beginners beach but in fact we didn't see the other beach and we couldn't go further because of all the vegetation there. So we went back. We were on our way to the beginners beach when we saw a street, we decided to take it and not even 4 minutes further we reached the other beach..

We were climbing for hours and we were just minutes far from it. What we tried is walking around a half isle which was actually part of a national park..
The Waves there were awesome! This was exactly what we were looking for and the best part  there were maybe 4 other surfers out there. In my surfing career I came to many spots crowded of surfers you had to be careful to not override them and now this, I've never seen better waves before. It was awesome normally if there are big waves you can't get out very good because you'll always pushed back but there it was pretty easy and this showed us even more that we were pro surfers. We took some waves, Joel was complaining as usual and life was good.

That reminds me on something else. Joel, who I know from army, bought these surf shorts, latest high tech shit perfect for surfer. they actually looked pretty cool but he paid 140 bucks for it. He was so angry when I put unfortunately sunscreen on them..

We had wraps for lunch, which I hate since I had to eat them on Fraser Island, after that we went back to the beach and with we I mean Nadja, Orlando and me. The others under the lead of Joel went to the beginners beach. In the afternoon waves were still good not as good as in the morning but still good. We went back for dinner which was pretty good.
After that i went to a Kayak trip.. please lets skip this part..
Okay than not.. There was a Kayak tour on a small river by moonlight. I decided to leave my shirt on the land.. mistake.. there were so many mosquitos, not only that I felt how they sting me but also how they were looking at me and thinking "stupid little human, I don't know if I should take chest or back.." Hey little fuckers, you can call me whatever you want but don't call me little.. I take this serious..!

Back in town there was a big party with a lot of backpackers all over the world. I was so tired that I could only think of sleeping. When I arrived the other were playing the game..
Fuck.. I didn't tell you about the game!

It's easy and very funny!
Take expressions from your language and translate them word by word into english, you will have a lot of fun! some examples:

Blow me in my shoes - Blas mir id schue
You can slide my back down - Chasch mir am Buggu abe rütsche
Sparrowbrain - Spatzehirn
From me out - vo mir us
The train has already left - Dr Zug isch scho abgfahre
I drink you under the table - I trinke di ungere tisch
She let me staying in the rain - Si het mi im rägä la stah
You want to have lamps with me - wetch lämpe mit mir
life is not a cooky - z läbä isch kes güezi

I could continue all day long with this list and I wouldn't get bored, I'm sure this would work in every language (except english).

This party was pretty crazy. Most of the people were drunk. A lot were dancing on the stage boys topless and girls in their bras.
I know what you think now, how could the guys playing the game while girls were dancing in underwear.. but to be honest not all of them were worth look at them.. let me precise that.. Some of them were ugly and embarrassing!

So I went to bed.
Yes I really went to bed! those of you who really know me know, that these kind of parties are exactly me style but not this evening, I was so fucking tired that I just went to bed!
Some of the guys went to bed too, In the middle of the night, Toby came in, drunk, and asked if somebody wants to go to the club.. what the fuck is wrong with you? We are in the middle of nowhere! He said he and some others are going to take a cab into next city.. of course next city is probably 400$ bucks away, if there is any cab driving so far out..

Next morning all had a bad hangover everyone was surprisingly in bed and I felt even more sorry for the girl who was trying to wake us up. Later I discovered about 18 or more mosquito stings on my body, why or more? because I'm not sure about it, some of the stings seemed like the there was more than one mosquito on it.. Good to know that somebody had a party on me..
After breaky we went to the beach and there was no wave, absolutely nothing! like somebody has changed the beach or something like that. We were in water and got freeze because we just stayed there without moving or something. I felt disappointed, the others asked me why I'm so silent.. is it so ridiculous when I'm silent on one day? I mean I know I talk much but is it hard to believe that I just can't be talky everyday?

In the afternoon we went to Byron Bay were we spent 1 and a half hours, no unfortunately I didn't see my biggest fan Sabrina. We spent the time by eating home made apple pie after that we went back to Surfers.

I had the idea about having an Apres-Surf you know just like Apres-Ski but without any snow.. We didn't realize it because everybody slept at about 9..

That was my last weekend in Australia and my last surf opportunity it really was one of the good ones In some weeks when I'm freezing in Switzerland I will definitely watch the pictures and miss this time.


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