Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2011

To whom it may concern

I know I always refer to movies and so do I this time.
You're probably familiar with the first Spiderman movie. There is a very important quotes from uncle Ben to Peter Parker: "With great power. comes great responsibility" (by the way one of my favorites)
Here is another one from me to you:
"The more famous you become, the more jealous people get"

I'm not saying that I became famous but surprisingly after I was in Oprah's show, I received all these hater mails from all over the world (especially Swissyland and Australia).

Look people I just say this, If you don't like my blog, there is a little cross on the top right side, don't know if you have ever noticed it but it's very useful and of course If you work with a Mac it's on the left top side AND it's a cross as well.

I don't really care what you guys think about my blog and to be honest I just get more clicks because of you which makes my blog even more famous, so.. thanks =)

If you don't believe the story, I don't give a ... you know what I mean, nobody  says you have to believe it.
But the best mails were those trying to explain my grammar mistakes..
Hello? Do I look like I spent hours on my postings? I just write what I think in the easiest way I can imagine (I'm a minimalist). 

By one mail I felt really offended..
A Swiss girl here in Australia.. fuck off, you remember my posting about leaving Switzerland?
There I told you about "Andrea" who I met in the plane.. it was her.. and to be honest her name is Sabrina. Just to clarify who we are talking about.
She almost boasted through the internet line that she became so good in english and really tried to show me my mistakes which I always make in indirect speeches.. Girl if you have enough time to look over my mistakes you better should take up another hobby or just.. you know.. do it silently.
But she reached the peak by asking me if I already learned something while my staying in Australia. 
From this point on I laughed until my laptops battery was low.
But it's kind of sweet how she's concerned about my progress in english. 
I'd just like to remind you young lady when we met, you weren't able to link 2 words with each other without failing.
Maybe she's just unforgiving, for what reason ever.. =)
I really don't want to talk bad about here.. just go and have a look in here Blog if you want to find out more about her.. unfortunately I can't pass on her link because of the fact that she blocked me on facebook.

Anyway to show that I take her message seriously I asked Rob to have a look on my writing.

And for all the other haters and know-it-alls out there, thanks for making me important for your life =)

Hope to hear from you soon (I really do, I'll collect them and one day I'm gonna post them).


5 Kommentare:

  1. just give a sh**.
    oprah hets o nid interessiert.. so whatever...

    wilang blibsch eich in down under?
    mänu b. (e3k)

  2. I don't even give a shit, it's just funny :D
    I'd like to have more of them! =)

    actually you should know, saturday in a week i'm taking off!
    RD (E3K)

  3. see, thats just a general issue that occurs, as soon as you reach something there are a lot of people that become jealous, so they tryin to hate on you! Anyway just leave them doing that stuff, important is to stay on your path and do everything the way you wanna do it, you still have to listen to other people as long as it is constructive critique, we all can improve steady, and we wont stop learning, so what I want to tell you is, be open for critique and don't care about haters...
    Everybody should live the way he wants, and those who wanna waste their life by hating...they miss out a lot my friend ;) lol
    peace :D

  4. I don't know what to say, it's so true mate!

