Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2012

about Gremlins and toothbrushs

'sup fellas!

First of all, do not judge me for not having written for ages - I feel guilty too.
It's pretty clear why I haven't written.. the world just became boring.

However now I have a topic to talk about and I'm sure you will recognize your self while reading it.

It's about when somebody is in a relationship. Yeah I know it's always the same but always different. I don't think that you could just say: "We're NOW in a relationship" and from then on everything changes and after months you notice that actually nothing has changed (I'm pretty sure that sounds weird to you). Let me say it this way, I hate it when a couple has anniversary, because I don't think that you can define a relationship from a date on. It's a period or even a process until you get to the target (which is in most cases today to change the relationship status on facebook).

A Friend of mine, let's call him Barney Stinson, told me once the rules for having a girlfriend.
He said: "Ardi, (believe it or not) you know you're in a relationship, when you violated 3 simple rules and those rules are the same as for Gremlins:

1. Never feed them after midnight
(Which means, never eat breakfast with her)

2. Never let them see sunlight
(Which means, never let them sleep at your place)

3. Never let them get wet
(Which means, never let them take a shower at your place)

It's very superficial, but think about it. That makes totally sense!

Knowing that I broke all those rules last weeks, I still don't think that I'm in a relationship (most psychologists would call it relationship anxiety and honestly so do I), so I created a new indicator the "Toothbrush variable" (Doesn't it sound like a new episode of "the big bang theory"?! and actually I proposed them by email to use it).

It's very simple: If you have a static toothbrush in her bathroom or she has in yours, it's obvious that you're together. If you break that rule as well it's clear but if you still say that you're still not in a relationship then it just needs some more time or that girl forced you to do all that stuff. I wanted to relate that in some way to Gremlins too, but I've never seen them brushing their teeth - though they have really white ones.

So if you ever worry again if you have a girlfriend or not, just go over those rules and if yes  share it with all your friends on twitter and think about kitschy names you could give your girlfriend and become a sissy (that's my new fav word).

Oh and by the way, Happy New Year!


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