Donnerstag, 28. April 2011

2 heads are funnier than 1

Hi sup guys, this is Ardi and welcome to a new episode of Urban Survival.

I got to keep this short 'cause I'm on my way to training.
You've probably already heard that "two heads are smarter than one.."

..I'd like to change this today into "2 heads are funnier than 1".
The sense of my message (yes exceptionally it has one today) I would like to try something new.

I want to give somebody the opportunity to speak to the world (actually to some weird people who have nothing better to do than following my crap). So if you're interested in writing nonsense just let me now and I will pick somebody who can post something for ones.

Rules of engagement:
- Don't write something intelligent or with a higher meaning
- Don't care about grammar
- Be funny
- To have the ideal conditions you have to write only wearing your underwear.
- Write about something people care or laugh about
- Be sarcastic or satiric
and the most important one:
-Don't tell the people your real name (Trust me I know what I'm talking about, after one single post people won't stop to get a piece of you)

This is a good way in making experience in nonsense. If you're crazy than it's the job for you.
Of course I would be your reference in any Job Interviews you will have.

So guys if you want to get this job, write a mail to my special account: (I know it's not my real name but if I pass you my account with my real name, you will never let me sleep). Write just something stupid in that mail, not what you want to really post because I think then it's up to you.

Good luck


Sonntag, 17. April 2011

Dear YouTube

Before I start what I was planing to say, I want to thank you, for this way of using world wide web.
I remember, not a long time ago, you were just perfect. I watched clips from all around the world of people, no matter if they were white, black, yellow or orange.
But now it's Facebook who's dominating, why? I don't know!
In my opinion you had a lot more potential but since you became googles bitch you lost you honor.

Before they were real humans who posted clips on you and now they're all companies.
There are no stars anymore to rank this crap, what the hell did you think you're going to reach with those thumbs?
I don't get, you went so good and now before I watch anything I have to see some stupid commercials about pasta? And those google adds? why the f**k do I need it? If I search something I will do it on google and not on youtube.

First I thought, maybe it's only me who is thinking like this, but I'm not, there are a lot more saying the same, so I don't get it. people want the old you because you, acting a bitch, suck.
Please rethink your altitude because it's time to change.

What really breaks my nerves on you is: vevo..
It's a crap. Just trying to commerce clips.
Today I watched Lady Gaga's new song "Judas" (the biggest crap I've ever heard) on the videos you can see how many people already watched this clip. Now it's necessary to mention that this song has been uploaded yesterday and today it got's 620.242 views. I thought it's impossible and as I found the following I realized that it really is, because there was a comment under it rated with 4 thumbs: "Thumbs up if you're the 620.242 viewer"..
Do I need to tell more? it's about 20 minutes ago I started this post (So what? I had to go to toilette) and now I checked it again.. It still got 620.242 views but there are about 47 new comments on it.. so dear youtube either your counter is broken or vevo is lying on us..

It wouldn't surprise me when we have to pay in future for using youtube.. well it's already a bitch so it looks bad..

I know I'm a great critics but now I know that what my grandpa used to say it's true..
"It used to be better"I still hope you change your mind and become the cute little platform I used to like.

Yours faithfully



Mittwoch, 6. April 2011

What happened with "The Experiment"?

It's been about 2 months since I'm back from Australia, of course I miss it but I don't only the sun, sea and parties (it's hard to believe there is something you miss even more..) the most I miss the adventure. Everyday is a gift only waiting to get unwrapped and you as a child in this metaphor can't wait to see what's in it, so everyday you receive something new and the other days are waiting under the christmas tree to get unwrapped another day..

How philosophic...

What I'm trying to say is Switzerland is boring.
There is just nothing to experience, the most interesting is that Alex Frei, captain of the national football team won't be in the team anymore.. Who cares about Swiss football?

In Aussieland I used to post every second day now I don't now what to write about.. Nooo I'm not reaching the limits of my imagination.. there is still a lot! Trust me!!!

Anyway Today I had one of my sentimental moments again so I went through my blog checking some of my 58 Posts (I definitely spent to much time on this). One title caught my eye "The Experiment". My head would explode if I would remember every single post I wrote so I had no Idea what it was about. 
At this time I explained about the little metal pieces you fix on your key bunch and come back straight to your home if you lose it. 

Go and check it, I don't have time to explain it to you..!

Anyway I'm wondering what happened with my little key I dropped in the mailbox in Surfers. Did he travel around? If yes, where had he been? Did he see the sea? Did he find his way back home? Wanna hear my opinion? I think the postman looked at it when he found it, didn't know what to do with it and threw it away.
Poor little key.

Next days I will write an e-mail to the concern offering this product and ask them if they found something and why it's  not working though they guarantee the bring-back from Australia.
Of course they will say that I can't prove it.. but I can! If they don't give me my money back I will send this little video to a service rating agency and if they give me my money back I will still pass the video to the rating agency.. just for fun.

I will keep you updated.

Oh by the way, I would like to say happy Bday to my greatest fan Anna! Rock it girl ;)


Samstag, 2. April 2011

The land of the rising sun

All of you know about what happened in Japan, if not you're probably blind and deaf or you live in cave like Gollum from Lord of the Rings.

The situation is really sad and serious and the most alarming is status of the nuclear power plant. I'm not a scientist, so I don't wanna talk with you about the scenarios let's talk about Japanese.

Japanese people are adorable, nobody hates 'em (except americans) all of them like you and your culture. I mean I live in Switzerland.. there are probably more Japanese here than over there. They like to take pictures with their super high tech apparatus of the old buildings of down town. Japanese stay always in herds, you'll never find a single one, I guess they are used to it staying crowded.

Let's have a look one a usual Japanese, black hair, black eyes (when he's angry he turns blond) this guy, let's call him Taysuke, he's good in Karate because he has to (it's a law in Japan). Taysuke is a nano-chip engineer but in his leisure time he likes to draw and he's really good in it.
This guy is about 49 years old but he doesn't look older than his 17 year old son. Taysuke does everyday his tai chi exercises to stay healthy. he doesn't drive a car because there is no space to park it. Oh almost forgot something, Taysuke can't swim.

This is a usual Japanese.

"But why actually do we like Japanese? What did they do for us?"
This was the question of a friend. I just said: "mate without them I wouldn't be who I am!"
"seriously? why that?"
"Because I grew up with their inventions"
"Which ones?"
"Dragonball Z, Pokemon, Digimon, Yugi-Oh, and Sailer moon" (I know what you think now, but it isn't gay. Yugi-Oh is great :P)

So people if you ever questioned your self why you like them, this is why.
Here some other reasons:

Mitsubishi Evolution
Intel Processors 
Martial Arts
Kick Ass Movies
Samurai and Ninjas
the "One child law"
and last but not least: Sushi!
