Sonntag, 17. April 2011

Dear YouTube

Before I start what I was planing to say, I want to thank you, for this way of using world wide web.
I remember, not a long time ago, you were just perfect. I watched clips from all around the world of people, no matter if they were white, black, yellow or orange.
But now it's Facebook who's dominating, why? I don't know!
In my opinion you had a lot more potential but since you became googles bitch you lost you honor.

Before they were real humans who posted clips on you and now they're all companies.
There are no stars anymore to rank this crap, what the hell did you think you're going to reach with those thumbs?
I don't get, you went so good and now before I watch anything I have to see some stupid commercials about pasta? And those google adds? why the f**k do I need it? If I search something I will do it on google and not on youtube.

First I thought, maybe it's only me who is thinking like this, but I'm not, there are a lot more saying the same, so I don't get it. people want the old you because you, acting a bitch, suck.
Please rethink your altitude because it's time to change.

What really breaks my nerves on you is: vevo..
It's a crap. Just trying to commerce clips.
Today I watched Lady Gaga's new song "Judas" (the biggest crap I've ever heard) on the videos you can see how many people already watched this clip. Now it's necessary to mention that this song has been uploaded yesterday and today it got's 620.242 views. I thought it's impossible and as I found the following I realized that it really is, because there was a comment under it rated with 4 thumbs: "Thumbs up if you're the 620.242 viewer"..
Do I need to tell more? it's about 20 minutes ago I started this post (So what? I had to go to toilette) and now I checked it again.. It still got 620.242 views but there are about 47 new comments on it.. so dear youtube either your counter is broken or vevo is lying on us..

It wouldn't surprise me when we have to pay in future for using youtube.. well it's already a bitch so it looks bad..

I know I'm a great critics but now I know that what my grandpa used to say it's true..
"It used to be better"I still hope you change your mind and become the cute little platform I used to like.

Yours faithfully



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