Donnerstag, 28. April 2011

2 heads are funnier than 1

Hi sup guys, this is Ardi and welcome to a new episode of Urban Survival.

I got to keep this short 'cause I'm on my way to training.
You've probably already heard that "two heads are smarter than one.."

..I'd like to change this today into "2 heads are funnier than 1".
The sense of my message (yes exceptionally it has one today) I would like to try something new.

I want to give somebody the opportunity to speak to the world (actually to some weird people who have nothing better to do than following my crap). So if you're interested in writing nonsense just let me now and I will pick somebody who can post something for ones.

Rules of engagement:
- Don't write something intelligent or with a higher meaning
- Don't care about grammar
- Be funny
- To have the ideal conditions you have to write only wearing your underwear.
- Write about something people care or laugh about
- Be sarcastic or satiric
and the most important one:
-Don't tell the people your real name (Trust me I know what I'm talking about, after one single post people won't stop to get a piece of you)

This is a good way in making experience in nonsense. If you're crazy than it's the job for you.
Of course I would be your reference in any Job Interviews you will have.

So guys if you want to get this job, write a mail to my special account: (I know it's not my real name but if I pass you my account with my real name, you will never let me sleep). Write just something stupid in that mail, not what you want to really post because I think then it's up to you.

Good luck


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