Montag, 30. Mai 2011

Reunion Party & Complications

I laughed my ass out this week, as I received a mail from Joel a.k.a "Sigi Al Jazeeri". 
It was about a "meet-your-aussie-schoolmate/I-know-what-you-did-last-winter-party", because most of the people who were with us Aussie-mania are back in country.

Just imagine this, I'm here since more than 3 months and they maybe just got back.. assholes!
Anyway I got this mail last thursday he wanted to launch the party on saturday..

And because it's so funny let's read it again: "I got this mail last thursday he wanted to launch the party on saturday.." isn't it nice how optimistic or drunk people must be to write such a thing?
And he must have definitely been one of them while he was writing it.

My lovely friends frome Australia oder Brazil won't get it. I'll tell you. If you wana organize something in Switzerland you have to do it at least 1 month before. Even if it's a "come an have some popcorn in my flat" with 2 friends. You don't believe it? let's take a look at the facts..
he invited about 30 people (I'm just guessing) out of them, only 6 said they COULD and out of them probabely just Sigi and a random drunk guy showed up.

Anyway Sigi is a great guy, very initiative to start something like this but you shouldn't COMPLAIN if nobody can come. After that he did a good one he already wrote a new letter with a previous date and an activation. Another suggestion, make a doodle plan with this you always keep the overview and the others as well. 

Before we meet we need to announce some rules, like there aren't enough laws here.. but one there isn't here: "You're allowed to drink on the street" and I know how much you like this one.

Lets call theese Rules > Doofy Rules! why? why not!

Doofy Rules:
1. Every participant must bring at least 8 pictures for each week he spent there on a USB stick or Laptop.
2. Every participant must speak about 2 situations he had over there and won't ever forget it.
3. Everybody who was in Australia is a Participant.
4. Everybody who won't show up is gay
5. Every participant must wear 1 personal garment which he/she had with him/her in Australia (to recognize the others) (what's a garment? > Google Transaltor > a "Clothing Piece" e.g. T-shirt, Skirt, Flipflops etc.
6. The Organizer (Al Jazeeri, Sigi) is committed to send every Participant a manual for "Ring of Fire"
7. Every participant is obligated to learn the Doofy Rules, the Ring of fire Rules and the security rules for the Swiss Asault Rifle
8. Every participant will attend a Test about every rule, only who passes will be let to the party.
9. Every participant will have to sign a form, in which he asserts that the Organizer (Al Jazeeri, Sigi) is a alwayls complaining human being.
10. Every participant has to bring his own camera and sunglasses (even if it's dark) to show his/her tourist status.
11. Everybody who's reading this is hell bored.

I will definitely be there and I'm really looking forward to see your paled faces and having fun with you like in old days.
I have to say, I really miss all of you and if I don't remember your name just don't take it personal..

By the way, rule number 12:
12. Every participant has to wear a sign on the chest with his name on it, visible for the other participants.

See you there


Samstag, 28. Mai 2011

My Secret Plan

Have you guys ever considered that there is more than waiting for weekend when you can start to drink and leave your passed week behind you. I mean, it seems like the human being is living just for these 2 days of a week. What about the other 5? Most people hate them, because they have either to work or to study during those days? So technically you will enjoy those other days when you don't work or go to school, sounds logical doesn't it?

Almost, what would you do during the week, when all of your friends are having their schedules? You probably could spent some time with training or sleeping but after a while it would become boring, so you need an activity that keeps you busy.
Activities usual cost money, but you don't have any so you need to get some.

You see there are a lot of factors which play a role on your way to happiness, so take a deep breath for the one and only solution, only known by those who fixed all of these problems without working hard for it.
This solution is so simple, that you will say: "Oh my gosh, I should have know".

You just have..

..omg, I'm so exited that I can't even sit, I have to stand up..

.. and now I have to go and grap my laptop because, it's uncomfortable trying to type on my computer while standing..

..and my laptop is just running out of battery so I need to charge it, give me a second..

(Isn't it interesting how everything goes wrong when you're trying to say something important? It's called Murphy's law..)

.. and now I got enough battery to tell you the secret but it's pretty difficult typing with one hand  because the other hand is still holding the laptop so I sit down and you stand up..

and now I'm sitting so the answer is..

You just have to win in Lotto

Really clever isn't it?

Of course you can say it's almost impossible, but you're saying it.. it's ALMOST impossible..

Just imagine, there is a game in Europe called Euro Millions. In which you can win more than 100 millions this is a "one" with 8 "zeroes".

You win in it, so you never have to work anymore, if you're bored you fly somewhere, where it's night just to party, then you go somewhere else for shopping or if it's raining you go there where the sun shines. You could go wake-boarding with your own yacht all day long only because you did it once and you had fun.
Cars will be chosen when they fit with your suit. For 6 millions you could buy Charlie Sheen's Villa where he installed a porno cinema (This guy is so great, I'm so sad he isn't Uncle Ben's anymore.. I mean Charlie.

You could learn all the useless shit you want and you never thought about it, because you didn't have enough money to throw around, like learning how to draw a boat or fly a jet or better, how to drive a hovercraft or one of those languages you start to learn, because you had a crush on a girl from Norway. 
In your own house you don't walk anymore, you use quad bikes to go to toilette. You would own a changing room which is as big as your former flat. 
You would have such a big garden, that you would pay somebody who escorts you, just not to get lost. 
You would procure exotic pets and I'm not talking about rare fishes. No, you would have f**king Free Willy in your pool.

Yeah life is great if you'd only knew the 5 true numbers and 2 stars.

As you said, it's almost impossible, but the fact is, that the highest jackpot ever hit was more than 191 million Euros. That's a "one" and a "nine" and "one".. and some other numbers.

Think about it and when anyone of you wins, do not forget who gave you the idea ;)
Good Luck


Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011

Summer is coming to town

People, the urban survival label is back in town.

Last time I posted I was looking for a Co-host to post something. I gat to tell you I had so many answers, I'm still busy with reading 'em all.. Joke! Not one person was brave enough to write in my style and let everybody see his grammar mistakes.

But as I doubted that anybody will announce his appear into survival scene, my mate Luca told me he would love to. So a special applause for him!!!


I told him he can post something whenever he likes.. that was 3 weeks ago. I don't know if he forgot about it or if he's still trying, but till then, I'm gonna tell you the story.. the story about how I met your mother.. joke I did not meet your moms.. not of all of yours. Doesn't it sound weird when somebody says that to someone else than his kids? By the way. I'm so sad that the 6th season finished! What I'm gonna do 'til the next? 
I could watch an other serial.. noo!
I could spend some more time for learning.. noo!
I could do some social work to help other people.. actually a good idea but that's to much responsibility for an internet jerk who has no social competences like me, so... noo!
I could watch the season again.. yes, but I watched allready the first 13 episodes, what I'm gonna do until autumn when the new season starts?

I could pick up a new hobby.. yes! And that is exactly what I did. Guys what do you do, when you miss surfing, but your not at the sea and there is no snow anymore? right, you look for something similar. 
So I picked up wake boarding. This is a great sport I went with my man Luca and his probably gonna write something about it as well. Honestly we are pretty talented. I don't know how I could live without it, but I'm definitely going to spent more time on this. To prove that we are good, we made a little clip watch me and ma boys on our first time on a wake.

aren't we good?

I would recommend everybody to at least try it, you probably won't be as good as we are, but you will have fun anyway.

Thans for reading keep urban surviving and don't stop to do crap, 'cause you're just once young!
