Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2012

Expanding Plans.. tell everybody!

What's up my fellow fans

Recently I got into twitter.. No you might think what the hell is he talking about twitter exists since ages and it's true. But! Ask 10 people in Switzerland on the street and maybe 1 of them has a twitter account. ask the same 10 who has a facebook account and 12 will say yes. So I'm swimming against the river (Swiss saying, I don't know if it means the same everywhere)

In Fact twitter is pretty cool though it is considered to be facebook's evil sister, it's very fast and has a high spectrum to many broadcasting channels.. or in other words.. I'm going to make Urban Survival huge! 

I'm contemplating to be more active and a new concept is coming which is shorter and faster and more visually appealing.

Twitter is a good way to prove it, I can tweet (yeah sounds gay I know) from every where I am, telling funny stuff that is happening right now, make my posts come more frequently and on my blog I'll get into detail and make you laugh.. like now... see! =)
(and for those who are not laughing right now.. go and jump from a bridge you jerks.. )

So if you have a twitter account, follow me, look for: urbnsrvival
If you don't have an account yet, go and get one and see how interesting it could be.. unlike facebook that bitch. And tell everybody that might be interested ;-)


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