Montag, 29. Oktober 2012

A perfect sunday?

What do you guys usually do on a regular Sunday?
Sleep off, long breakfast and all day watch movies or meet friends till you go to bed?
Not for me!
In my opinion something unpredictable has to happen before I call it perfect, for example yesterday, that was great!

Of course the sleeping until 11 and the long breaktast is a must for every explorer wanting the face the unpredicted. But then what did I do? I went to the university to learn and prepare my speech for Thursday. As my girlfriend and I missed the train, I took the car and wanted to park in the football stadium just next to the university because it was snowing so badly! But the car park was closed because of the football game that day - for VIP's only they said! F**k I had to leave it outside. Then I went to learn.
This sound so depressing to you I know, but it's the best thing for being focused. it's the only day that it is almost empty (there were even some other nerds) and quiet. I was very productive but then what happened my laptop went out of battery. Just in that moment a friend of mine wrote that the game is cancelled due weather conditions (this asshole at the stadium knew it but he didn't want to let me park in) then he said that he would have gone with a colleague and 2 costumers of their company so he has 2 tickets for the game left and asked who wants to go with him - what do I do with a ticket but no game I asked. He said that the tickets are for the VIP lounge so you can go to eat as they already cooked.

I grabbed my stuff in quickness you can't believe and met my friend in front of the stadium. I looked like the most typical student ever but I didn't care when I received my golden bracelet.
The view from the so called "champions lounge" was great, I think not even the players are so close to the field as I was. We had our own table and a waitress came with wine. They had a 4 course menu but all you can eat(!) so I had something like a 7 course menu or so. I felt like in heaven! I ate so much I couldn't think anymore maybe that is the reason why I forgot what happen after that.
The next day I checked how much a seat costs.. it's 475 bucks per game!


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