Montag, 29. Oktober 2012

A perfect sunday?

What do you guys usually do on a regular Sunday?
Sleep off, long breakfast and all day watch movies or meet friends till you go to bed?
Not for me!
In my opinion something unpredictable has to happen before I call it perfect, for example yesterday, that was great!

Of course the sleeping until 11 and the long breaktast is a must for every explorer wanting the face the unpredicted. But then what did I do? I went to the university to learn and prepare my speech for Thursday. As my girlfriend and I missed the train, I took the car and wanted to park in the football stadium just next to the university because it was snowing so badly! But the car park was closed because of the football game that day - for VIP's only they said! F**k I had to leave it outside. Then I went to learn.
This sound so depressing to you I know, but it's the best thing for being focused. it's the only day that it is almost empty (there were even some other nerds) and quiet. I was very productive but then what happened my laptop went out of battery. Just in that moment a friend of mine wrote that the game is cancelled due weather conditions (this asshole at the stadium knew it but he didn't want to let me park in) then he said that he would have gone with a colleague and 2 costumers of their company so he has 2 tickets for the game left and asked who wants to go with him - what do I do with a ticket but no game I asked. He said that the tickets are for the VIP lounge so you can go to eat as they already cooked.

I grabbed my stuff in quickness you can't believe and met my friend in front of the stadium. I looked like the most typical student ever but I didn't care when I received my golden bracelet.
The view from the so called "champions lounge" was great, I think not even the players are so close to the field as I was. We had our own table and a waitress came with wine. They had a 4 course menu but all you can eat(!) so I had something like a 7 course menu or so. I felt like in heaven! I ate so much I couldn't think anymore maybe that is the reason why I forgot what happen after that.
The next day I checked how much a seat costs.. it's 475 bucks per game!


Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2012

A little step for Felix and a deep fall as well

RD: Urbansurvival is happy to have him with us. He is the Hero of Red Bull with balls of steel. Ladies and Gentleman; Mister Felix Baumgartner! Felix, I'm happy to have you with us.

Felix: Thank you RDee, it's nice to be here

RD: I know..  now Felix, I would say People came far for interviews but you came from space to be with us, did you have traffic on your way here?

F: (laughs) No, traffic was pretty fluent actually

RD: Good to hear you took the right turn at the milky way

F: (laughs) Yeah lucky I had my navi system with me. Connection to the satellites was incredibly good.

RD: (laughs) I see another comedian here. But now let's get serious, Felix you fell almost 36 kilometers which is the highest para-jump ever and you were the one who reached the highest falling speed and now my readers want to know.. Why the hell would somebody do such a thing?

F: Well this is the reason, somebody has to do it.

RD: Yeah but couldn't you just jump from.. I don't know 10 kilometres?

F: To be honest, my highest jump before was from a height of 8 kilometres, regular planes just don't fly higher. When I read about Joseph Kittinger who broke the record in 1960 with a height of 30 kilometres I knew that I have to beat him and I'm very lucky we had him later in our team.

RD: So why did you choose to jump from 36 km instead of 31?

F: (laughs) Everybody asks me that. Well it's a matter of fact that I do every jump only once, so I said hey what if 2 years later somebody else comes and jumps from 32 km? I won't be able to beat it, so I decided to go for 36 km.

RD: yeah I heard about that "1 jump only thing" could you explain why you do that?

F: For me it gets boring if I would already know the difficulties of a jump and even more, a 2nd jump could go wrong, so why should I risk my life for the same thing I've done before.

RD: Impressing, I watched the whole jump live, as you would fly to the mars or so. Before you jumped there was this moment you were looking down. What did you think?

F: This was an unbelievable view, I wished everybody coud see what I've seen and before I jumped I prayed.

RD: Of course you prayed, you'll never come that close to the big boss.

F: (laughs) yeah right!

RD: Felix you jumped from some of the most popular buildings on earth, which was your favourite?

F: All of them were in their own way unique and special but if I had to choose, I would say the jump from the Jesus statue in Brazil is my fav. because it's been lowest height I have ever jumped from and to get up there up was really difficult.

RD: But after your jump from space, is there still something to achieve?

F: There always is. Jumping from space is actually pretty easy, I mean you just jump and try to stay stable til you open you parachute but if you jump from a building, you have to pull the parachute immediately and you have to consider that you could smack against the wall.

RD: So you already have concrete plans for future?

F: (laughs) I'm sorry I can't speak about it due legal reasons.

RD: looking forward to it. Felix, you are one of Red Bull's most important marketing ambassadors, do you even like Red Bull?

F: (laughs) (still laughing) (laughing tears) To be honest, I did but after decades of sponsoring I got rid of the taste.

RD: And finally my last question Felix, did you see the ball that Ramos kicked to space?

F: (laughs his ass out, getting stomach ache because he laughs so bad, hope he's well insuranced) It allmost hit me.

RD: Thank you Felix, it's been nice having you here.

F: It was nice to be here and I always wanted to say it: cheers!

RD: ... my part you jerk


Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2012

Expanding Plans.. tell everybody!

What's up my fellow fans

Recently I got into twitter.. No you might think what the hell is he talking about twitter exists since ages and it's true. But! Ask 10 people in Switzerland on the street and maybe 1 of them has a twitter account. ask the same 10 who has a facebook account and 12 will say yes. So I'm swimming against the river (Swiss saying, I don't know if it means the same everywhere)

In Fact twitter is pretty cool though it is considered to be facebook's evil sister, it's very fast and has a high spectrum to many broadcasting channels.. or in other words.. I'm going to make Urban Survival huge! 

I'm contemplating to be more active and a new concept is coming which is shorter and faster and more visually appealing.

Twitter is a good way to prove it, I can tweet (yeah sounds gay I know) from every where I am, telling funny stuff that is happening right now, make my posts come more frequently and on my blog I'll get into detail and make you laugh.. like now... see! =)
(and for those who are not laughing right now.. go and jump from a bridge you jerks.. )

So if you have a twitter account, follow me, look for: urbnsrvival
If you don't have an account yet, go and get one and see how interesting it could be.. unlike facebook that bitch. And tell everybody that might be interested ;-)


Mittwoch, 3. Oktober 2012

Nailed my 5000th

Let’s celebrate!

Guys today is a special day, not only because it was my birthday (yes it was and I removed my birthdate from facebook on purpose) but also because I nailed my 5000th. Now you might think that it is absolutely impossible to nail 5000 girls but guys I’m not speaking about coitus (it’s such a funny word… coitus) and even though it would be possible… I guess.

I’m talking about people that read my blog!

I just checked my statistics and discovered that over 5000 people (with different IP addresses for the know-it-all of you) read my blog. This is my breakthrough and it shows me that you didn’t stop reading since I got back from Australia.

This means a lot to me, to know that you guys waste your time on my blog. So I will continue posting and informing you about my weird and funny stuff (there is a lot at the moment)

And because I’m in such a good mood I’ll show you which posts are the most popular ones of all time:

5th rank -> Mojo Surf (The story about the perfect surf camp and how everybody sees Australia)

4th rank -> To whom it may concern (The answer to all the haters)

3rd rank -> Wilson's Revenge (This is probably so popular because it’s funny to watch how angry bird Wilson attacked me)

2nd rank -> Pre Start (my thoughts and preparation for leaving)

1st rank -> Leaving Switzerland (The endless story about my trip and how it seemed to fail before I even started)

And the recent most read post is of course Asian Stereotyp (surely because of the weird pictures), which was more popular than I thought.

Guys thanks a lot for your loyalty (tears are coming up) you’re the best!
