Montag, 28. März 2011

Prime Time

I know what you guys want.
The long-awaited motion picture, for the experiment you already read.

Today everything has been finished. Thx to my man Luca who did the cut and the sound, he's a talent if you need to produce a movie ask him.. of course he will charge you and he's not cheap but you'll get a discount if you mention me.

I don't wanna keep this long, watch the movie, enjoy and shut up.

Fun right? ;)


Freitag, 25. März 2011


Dear readers

I know it's been a while since my last post, so today I'd like to tell you whats up.

This week I really started working.. actually I didn't work much yet, but I will.
I'm learning my job and it's more complicated than it sounds.
From this week on I'm a technical supporter, of course this is not a job for ever just until sumer when school starts, but it's a good way to meet people and earn some money.

What kind of supporter you ask? I'll tell you.
I'm one of these guys you talk with when you have problems with digital TV or those crappy media boxes.

It sounds really depressing but I feel pretty comfy 'til now. Before I even started I knew 5 guys working there. During Training I'm with a friend in class and all the other people there are young cool and mostly students.
You earn not bad and you can work there while going to school, this means I still could work after summer. 

But all this stuff is so weird to me.
Imagine sleeping until midday, training and just being lazy turns into waking up early, sitting on a chair all day long.. and WAKING UP EARLY!

But it's cool, it could be worse. I mean I'm having a lot of fun with my friend there, judging on all the people speaking in front and make jokes about them, asking weird things and make everybody laugh.. well.. just as I usually am.

I'm sure all of you guys are just waiting for the application video to watch I've told you about. Unfortunately it's not cut yet, we just didn't have time to cut it, but it's gonna be "legen-dady" (as Barney Stinson said in "How I met your mother" s6 e19).

So be patient guys and you will keep laughing.

Oh by the way, push me luck for having my holiday request accepted.
Some friends are going to spend a week in the italian part of Swiss and they asked me to join them. We did this already once and it was so crazy!
So if I go you will ready a lot of goofy stuff like vomiting contests and Yamakasi try outs.

Allright fockers


Samstag, 19. März 2011

Shooting Days

Yesterday I started my the application clip for that tv show I told you about.

At this part I would like to say thank you to my crew, Luca the cameraman, Ivan my stunt coordinator and my bro Faton as my makeup artist.

I had really fun yesterday though we had no plan what to do.
Here an advice, If you have to shoot a movie or something like that just start.
The best ideas you'll have during recording and so did we.

We went to a forest to show that I'm familiar with the "wild". It's really difficult to say something when you have no plan, in Oprah's show that was not a problem, because I knew her questions and there were 2 people helping me to form my answers (I felt really dump).
Now imagine my situation in the forest. I'm with my nice coat sitting in mud, it's raining so Luca is trying to cover the camera with his jacket and ivan is watching everything from the background while wearing a cowboy hat.. I had to laugh every time and Luca kept recording while laughing. I had much fun.

Then the stupid idea to jump in the river came over me..
So I went home to get some clothes and towels and went to the river. 
It was really cold, exactly 6.4 degree I thought if it would be a good idea to do this, but it was to late to turn back. Then I discovered I didn't bring my swimwear so I swam with my underwear. People were there watching me, wtf I was doing, I invited them.. strangely nobody came..

how cold it was I can only explain by describe by telling you the size of my balls..
you know those little marbles? yes? know imagine them inside of you body.. weird I know but that's how it was.. almost..

Then I had another scene, jogging wet in underwear then another one in the old town with head ache because of the change of my body temperature..

Today I went to training. We recorded some scenes how I kick some asses and got kicked as well. I had a little sweaty interview after training, just another scene and we can start to cut.
The clip shouldn't be more than 1 minute.. (just the river scene is about 4..).

I think it's gonna be great, it's really funny and if the don't take me, I'm gonna be sad then angry and then I'll send them the bill of my doctor because of my hypothermia (undercooling)
actually I'm over cool.. ;)

anyway I had great fun, I felt like one of these crazy guys who does everything for getting into TV.. Oops I am..

Guys if you have the opportunity to get in a show, don't take it..
It's really tough and you have to be born for it.. so just pass your appearance to me.. I'll make it.

I hope the'll take me, if I'm in tv I'll greet my fans, no, my friends on urban survival!


Dienstag, 15. März 2011

Sleepless experiment

After my experience in TV with Oprah, I'm addicted to be in front of a camera.
So I decided to continue my TV career in Switzerland.

Last week I applied for an experiment of the TV show "Galileo". Every person in a german speaking country knows Galileo, it's kind of an educational spot. They explain stuff nobody need to know but everybody watches it. Today probably kids learn more through it than in school. Anyway they have those experiments and one of them is the sleepless experiment for which I applied for.

Sleepless logo

It's an experiment to reach the limits of a human being by tiring it.
The candidates stay together and try to stay awake as long as possible, getting more tired and mored tired they have to absolve different tests and exercises about concentration, balance and stuff. It's already shown twice and this time the slogan is "Into the wild" well I guess it's just gonna be in a forest, because there is no Jungle in western Europe.. actually nowhere in Europe..

All this stuff I didn't know when I applied.. I didn't know they would really consider to take me..
Damn now I told it.. 

I just send them an e-mail by writing in the same style as in my blog (of course they take me).
Few days later I received an answer. "Vicky" from the show in germany told me she already was my fan and explored it must be the same guy.. well.. the last part is not really true but it would make sense!
She told me I'm in recall! Now they would like to see a little clip of me explaining my self, why I'm the perfect candidate and telling them more about me.
I'm sure they just want to see me because I made them laugh and now they need to know if I look good enough to be in TV.. hello? Ask Oprah!

So why am I the perfect competitor? Well I could tell them about army and that we had to stay awake and concentrated awake for days.. unfortunately I didn't make any survival clip while being in army, but it's true, I swear!

1 minute it's just not enough to tell about me.. this gonna be very hard. But wouldn't it be nice to be shown in TV (again)?

Push me luck!


Samstag, 12. März 2011

34 (-1)

Imagine the following situation.
It's Friday and you're home alone, you have no idea what to do because your friends can't go out.
You're bored of playing xbox so you decide to watch a movie.
You check your dvd collection but everyone of them you've watched at least twice which is once too many.

You take you MacBook Pro (Yes, I do use MacBook Pro though I hate iPhone) and surf in internet. It's not the same feeling as surfing on a real wave but.. actually you can't even compare. You go one of the websites were you can watch movie through live stream.
There you have the same problem, either you've already watched all the movies or there is no one which raises your interest.

I, as a Movie-maniac, have already watched thousands of movies so I decided to help you guys in this case.

I'd like to present you..
The Movies you must have seen!

- Die Hard 1-4
A lot of action, bullets and blood.. what do you need more?

- Bad Boys
Good actors, nice dialogues action and drugs.

- Grown Ups
Adam Sandler, Kevin James and Chris Rock.. what a combination!

- Wild Things
An absolutely must! Intrigues, Story and Denise Richards kissing another girl in a pool.. everything a movie must have..

- S.W.A.T
Yeah, you know why!

- Saving Private Ryan
A legend of a Movie. Tom Hanks trying to find James Ryan during World War 2
Based on a true Story

- The Fast and the Furious
Fast Cars.. do I need to say more?

- The Gladiator
Russell Crowe in his best work. A commander who became a slave, a slave who became a gladiator, a gladiator who became bigger than the imperator.

- The Pursuit of Happiness
One of my favorite movies, really good job Will.

- Love & Basketball
A sweet story about a girl and boy sharing the same passion and finding love through it.

- Goal
A mexican guy who has one chance. So he goes to Britain to become a football player.

- Facing the Giants
A beautiful plot about the coach of a high school american football team and what you can reach if you only believe.

- Cinderella Man
Inspired by heavyweight champion James Baddock's life story.

- Top Gun
Oldie but Goldie

- Pearl Harbor
2 Friends in Air Force about their friendship during the heaviest strike against USA.

- The Kickboxer
A movie that inspired me into Martial Arts. Jean-Claude van Dame looking for revenge for his brother.

- The Godfather
Italian Mafia and what they really do.

- Scarface
This Movie shows how to become rich..

- Once upon a time in America
4 friends and how they became gangsters and stayed friends.

- Forrest Gump
You can't compare this movie with any other.

- Band of Brothers
It's a long movie (about 20 hours) but it shows how it really was during world war 2.
Every guy should have seen it.

- 7 years in Tibet
Brad Pitt as an Austrian Climber who comes to Tibet and becomes the Consultant of the Dalai Lama.

- Lucky Number Slevin
A smart story with a turning end.

- The Soloist
Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr. in beautiful movie about a homeless talent and his passion for music.

- Batman Beginns
My fav Batman movie. How he became what he is.

- The last Samurai
An American who becomes a Samurai. 

- Rocky I,II,III and IV
Yes, every Rocky movie without the 4th one. 

- P.S I love you
Nice Story about a guy who died but left a couple of letters for his wife trying to help her through this time and finding new love.

- Slumdog Millionaire 
A true story about a guy always lived on the street and how he became a millionaire on a TV game show just to re find his love.

- Ocean's eleven
Daniel Ocean and his eleven rubbing 3 casinos. 

- The sixth sense
Bruce Willis is in his strangest case. A Boy who really can see the dead.

- Brokeback Mountain
A must for everyone who has never heard about it..

- Wall E
My favorite animated movie!

- Full Metal Jacket
It's actually not that good but every one has already seen it.

I'm sure there are a lot more, but honestly I never spent so much time on one post (maybe I would have been faster if I didn't watch a movie while writing..). 34 Ideas should be enough minus one, guess which one..

Anyway If you have an idea about a movie I or anybody else should see, just let me now by commenting.


Dienstag, 8. März 2011

iPhone sucks!

Did you ever had an idea and thought wow, I could start a business with it.
I have this once a week if I would realize everything I would have already become a millionaire.

Few Days ago I had a really good one.

How it came over me, good question.

Being home alone I got hungry but didn't now what to do.
Most of you guys now that I became the new Jamie Oliver during my stay in Australia, but unfortunately only when it's about spaghetti.
No cooking spaghetti is not easy.. I mean yes it is, but you can make it much better and the sauce, how could I forget the sauces, It's really difficult and I was surprised how good I made them.

Anyway being in the kitchen and looking into the kitchen box (Chuchichäschtli) I was staring on a packet of corn starch.
Trying to imagine what do you need this for I came to no conclusion.
The other things I discovered weren't helpful neither.
Than it came over me.
A website, where you can type in the ingredients you have around and gives you a simple recipe which is made out of them.
I even had a name for it:

Okay the name is negotiable but the idea is great.
Proud of this idea I wrote it down, with all the details and stuff.
I even wrote what I need to realize it:

80'000 bucks
1 Web publisher
1 Web designer
1 cook
1 lawyer
3 clerks
and 8 member cards for starbuck's

In the evening I even told my friends, first I thought I should keep this as a secret because, someone might steel this idea but then I decided the other way.

Before I told them about the website, I told them the story with the kitchen box, and than he said: "And you want something that tells you what to do with the ingredients you found at home right?"
Wtf? is it written on my forehead or what?

He said, it already exists, it's an iPhone app..

Fuck you iPhone!
Everybody who knows me know that I hate iPhones but now I despise them!
I can't find any stronger word than despise or hate, but if it exists I would ... iPhones!

Once more Apple destroyed a dream of a young ambitious businessman..
hope you're happy..!


Montag, 7. März 2011

Alicia Keys is such a hottie

Yesterday it was my really first time in Bern's pubs since I'm back and of course first stop was my MacClarens. It's so different than Australia, I mean there you know everybody you spend the whole night by saying hello to everyone. 

Before entering the Pub I saw her..

No not THE ONE AND ONLY, I saw my ex.
I almost overlooked her, but I thought these big eyes I must know.
Polite as I am I went to here said hi kind of a small talk.. next to here it was a guy talking to some other guys when he looked at me I knew it's her boyfriend and again polite as I am I said hi, he didn't say anything (he's just not polite) most people would feel offended in this kind of situation.. not me! I felt so cheerful! because that means he knows me or he already heard about me and he didn't say hi because he don't like me, which means she told him good things about me or they already fought because of me.. isn't it great?
it's unlikely that me and this guy will get BFF, pity.. =)

Inside, I was full of confidence because of this situation before.
The pub was full, normally I don't care but this eve not.
Because the mystery didn't happen!!!!
You might wonder what mystery I'm talking about.

It's an old mystery.. actually as old as MacClarens itself.
Dozens of scientist tried and failed by exploring the truth and 'til today it remains a secret..
only known as.. the mystery (all the other cool names were already given).
The mystery happens when I and my friends go to MacClarens and no matter how many people there are, we ALWAYS have a table!
In the pub there are about 4 or 5 tables and we got always one..
but as I said, not yesterday..
I met people I haven't seen for a while I just call them Facebook Connections, because they don't know anything about you, the just start to small talk with you because you're friends on Facebook. Like yesterday.. I haven't seen them for a while and they really ask me: "Oh you're so tanned, have you been in holiday?"
Yeah.. jerks!

I met another friend I haven't seen for a while he's a kickboxer and he asked me to spare with him. I can't say no to this kind of invitations even if I'm not trained and he is.. like now.
Poor Idiot, he will start army next week.
As I tried to get out I saw about 5 girls around a table staring at me.. around my table.. bitches.
I could hear them guessing "is he italian?", "he looks like" (ok I really hate it when people think I'm italian..) I just said "No". One of them said "Can I ask you something without sounding weird?" (I like these kind of questions which starts like this).
"Do you know what a Spanish-Fuck is?"
"Isn't it this one where the guy has sex with a girls tits?"
"Omg, you really know.. :-O" She seemed surprised..
(Don't ask me where I know this from)

After that we went to a new bar called Aqua 53 or 57 don't know.
It was a tiny one but very cool, cool style, cool sound, cool people. The last one might not be always true because when I went out I heard Erich Hess has been here last week.
Erich Hess is this kind of politician who can dare to act like this only in Switzerland.
A lot of people in Switzerland are very racist and Erich is the big hope of those people, young, ambitious and rude, 'Cause he is trying to get all the strangers out of Switzerland.

I like this guy, I don't like his position in politics but I like his character.. now I don't like his character neither I like.. hmm.. don't know how to express.. I just like him =)

We had this conversation. About if it happens often, that I hear something but don't realize and  a few moments later I say the same thing. Sounds weird but I'm sure all of you know what I'm talking about. We had this example "Alicia Keys is such a hottie" we kept saying this the whole night long even (especially) when it didn't make no sense.
It's strange how often you hear the music of Alicia Keys.

Anyway later we went, to a mexican restaurant to eat nachos and after that we wanted to go clubbing but they didn't let us in, because it was full or it's just for members or I don't know what this bouncer was talking about.

We started this game. Every one says a male italian name and the game ends when somebody don't know any more names.
And then we played it with female names..
You can't imagine how much time we wasted with this.

Conclusion of yesterday:
Was great though we didn't do much, but colder than Australia.


Freitag, 4. März 2011


If you're young you try to act older and if you're old you regret you can't stay forever young.
This is as normal as fries and ketchup.

But what happens if you act younger but you're already young?

Now that I have enough time I spend a lot of time with thinking what to do.
Most people would sleep longer, I can't I get up at 8.. in fact I fall later again asleep but just because I don't know what to do.

Of course you can go to training, but if you go to training in the morning you have no power for the training in the evening and in my opinion a training without giving your maximum is just exercising for old people.

So what should I do during the day when all my friends are working?
Of course, I have an Xbox 360 but I already know all my games and I quit the internet account just to not get addicted, surprisingly it really works.

My brother bought a new laptop few days ago.
And my other brother is kind of a computer pro, so he installed a program on his laptop called "project 64" which is this old Nintendo 64 for computer.

I am so amused gaming all this old school games =)
4 example "Zelda Ocarina of time" which is just a legend of a game!

But with what I spent hours of gaming is "Pokemon yellow edition" 
From all the colors a rainbow contain it was the yellow one which I preferred.
You know this one where Pikatchu follows you.

Gaming on the new laptop my mom sat next to me, pointing her finger on me, she said, she remembers how I used to play this on my game boy color when I was 12! She hoped I went through this phase and now it seems like I didn't make any progress in growing up.

Sry Mom it's not my fault.. it's Nintendo's ;)


Donnerstag, 3. März 2011


Has been a while since I told you guys whats new over here.

As I already said I don't have to do the exam anymore, but how do I spend my day if not with studies?
Good question.

I'm looking for a job until school starts. But it's more difficult than I thought.
I'm only looking for something until August and I don't have much work experience so it's difficult to find something.

My Dad found something for me. He has a friend (I love stories which starts like this..) and this guy is the owner of a new energy drink.
He's distributing he's energy drinks in some clubs in the french part of switzerland and he would like to sell some in the capitol city.. in my city.
So I would be kind of a marketing  guy trying to sell some drinks. I could earn 10% of what I sell.. I don't like that.

Same day a human resources responsible from Geneva called me to check my interest for a job. This job is great! I would work again for the finance department and they really need somebody who speaks albanian as a international contractor. I would work in Geneva which is a very interesting city but far, about an hour of travel everyday.. and it's not a temporary limited job which means, they would like to keep me for longer than just those months.
What's possible is, I could change the school into part time. That means instead of 1 year I would finnish it in 2 years so I can work. But that means it takes longer and stuff.

The other possibility is training.
Last week I went to training and he immediately offered me a fight in 1 and a half month.
This is very soon, I would have to do exercises every day to get fit and he told me another two fights and I could fight for the swiss champion belt this year. I really didn't expect to fight this year but I'm happy, I like to go to tournaments.

But now I'm confused..
What should I do about the job?
Should I accept to fight?
Should I change school?
Should I become a hero and help all the people in Switzerland who need my help?
Or should I stay home and game Call of Duty?

One question I might could answer by my self.
Should I apologize to all who feel offended by my blog?
I don't think so, No journalist would apologize for the truth and so do I  ;-)
If you don't like it, don't read it.
