Montag, 7. März 2011

Alicia Keys is such a hottie

Yesterday it was my really first time in Bern's pubs since I'm back and of course first stop was my MacClarens. It's so different than Australia, I mean there you know everybody you spend the whole night by saying hello to everyone. 

Before entering the Pub I saw her..

No not THE ONE AND ONLY, I saw my ex.
I almost overlooked her, but I thought these big eyes I must know.
Polite as I am I went to here said hi kind of a small talk.. next to here it was a guy talking to some other guys when he looked at me I knew it's her boyfriend and again polite as I am I said hi, he didn't say anything (he's just not polite) most people would feel offended in this kind of situation.. not me! I felt so cheerful! because that means he knows me or he already heard about me and he didn't say hi because he don't like me, which means she told him good things about me or they already fought because of me.. isn't it great?
it's unlikely that me and this guy will get BFF, pity.. =)

Inside, I was full of confidence because of this situation before.
The pub was full, normally I don't care but this eve not.
Because the mystery didn't happen!!!!
You might wonder what mystery I'm talking about.

It's an old mystery.. actually as old as MacClarens itself.
Dozens of scientist tried and failed by exploring the truth and 'til today it remains a secret..
only known as.. the mystery (all the other cool names were already given).
The mystery happens when I and my friends go to MacClarens and no matter how many people there are, we ALWAYS have a table!
In the pub there are about 4 or 5 tables and we got always one..
but as I said, not yesterday..
I met people I haven't seen for a while I just call them Facebook Connections, because they don't know anything about you, the just start to small talk with you because you're friends on Facebook. Like yesterday.. I haven't seen them for a while and they really ask me: "Oh you're so tanned, have you been in holiday?"
Yeah.. jerks!

I met another friend I haven't seen for a while he's a kickboxer and he asked me to spare with him. I can't say no to this kind of invitations even if I'm not trained and he is.. like now.
Poor Idiot, he will start army next week.
As I tried to get out I saw about 5 girls around a table staring at me.. around my table.. bitches.
I could hear them guessing "is he italian?", "he looks like" (ok I really hate it when people think I'm italian..) I just said "No". One of them said "Can I ask you something without sounding weird?" (I like these kind of questions which starts like this).
"Do you know what a Spanish-Fuck is?"
"Isn't it this one where the guy has sex with a girls tits?"
"Omg, you really know.. :-O" She seemed surprised..
(Don't ask me where I know this from)

After that we went to a new bar called Aqua 53 or 57 don't know.
It was a tiny one but very cool, cool style, cool sound, cool people. The last one might not be always true because when I went out I heard Erich Hess has been here last week.
Erich Hess is this kind of politician who can dare to act like this only in Switzerland.
A lot of people in Switzerland are very racist and Erich is the big hope of those people, young, ambitious and rude, 'Cause he is trying to get all the strangers out of Switzerland.

I like this guy, I don't like his position in politics but I like his character.. now I don't like his character neither I like.. hmm.. don't know how to express.. I just like him =)

We had this conversation. About if it happens often, that I hear something but don't realize and  a few moments later I say the same thing. Sounds weird but I'm sure all of you know what I'm talking about. We had this example "Alicia Keys is such a hottie" we kept saying this the whole night long even (especially) when it didn't make no sense.
It's strange how often you hear the music of Alicia Keys.

Anyway later we went, to a mexican restaurant to eat nachos and after that we wanted to go clubbing but they didn't let us in, because it was full or it's just for members or I don't know what this bouncer was talking about.

We started this game. Every one says a male italian name and the game ends when somebody don't know any more names.
And then we played it with female names..
You can't imagine how much time we wasted with this.

Conclusion of yesterday:
Was great though we didn't do much, but colder than Australia.


2 Kommentare:

  1. I'd just like to say: I love your Blog!!!
    You are great and you should become a writer!!!
    Let's have a child together!

  2. yeah.. uhm.. thx

    just keep distance please..
