Samstag, 12. März 2011

34 (-1)

Imagine the following situation.
It's Friday and you're home alone, you have no idea what to do because your friends can't go out.
You're bored of playing xbox so you decide to watch a movie.
You check your dvd collection but everyone of them you've watched at least twice which is once too many.

You take you MacBook Pro (Yes, I do use MacBook Pro though I hate iPhone) and surf in internet. It's not the same feeling as surfing on a real wave but.. actually you can't even compare. You go one of the websites were you can watch movie through live stream.
There you have the same problem, either you've already watched all the movies or there is no one which raises your interest.

I, as a Movie-maniac, have already watched thousands of movies so I decided to help you guys in this case.

I'd like to present you..
The Movies you must have seen!

- Die Hard 1-4
A lot of action, bullets and blood.. what do you need more?

- Bad Boys
Good actors, nice dialogues action and drugs.

- Grown Ups
Adam Sandler, Kevin James and Chris Rock.. what a combination!

- Wild Things
An absolutely must! Intrigues, Story and Denise Richards kissing another girl in a pool.. everything a movie must have..

- S.W.A.T
Yeah, you know why!

- Saving Private Ryan
A legend of a Movie. Tom Hanks trying to find James Ryan during World War 2
Based on a true Story

- The Fast and the Furious
Fast Cars.. do I need to say more?

- The Gladiator
Russell Crowe in his best work. A commander who became a slave, a slave who became a gladiator, a gladiator who became bigger than the imperator.

- The Pursuit of Happiness
One of my favorite movies, really good job Will.

- Love & Basketball
A sweet story about a girl and boy sharing the same passion and finding love through it.

- Goal
A mexican guy who has one chance. So he goes to Britain to become a football player.

- Facing the Giants
A beautiful plot about the coach of a high school american football team and what you can reach if you only believe.

- Cinderella Man
Inspired by heavyweight champion James Baddock's life story.

- Top Gun
Oldie but Goldie

- Pearl Harbor
2 Friends in Air Force about their friendship during the heaviest strike against USA.

- The Kickboxer
A movie that inspired me into Martial Arts. Jean-Claude van Dame looking for revenge for his brother.

- The Godfather
Italian Mafia and what they really do.

- Scarface
This Movie shows how to become rich..

- Once upon a time in America
4 friends and how they became gangsters and stayed friends.

- Forrest Gump
You can't compare this movie with any other.

- Band of Brothers
It's a long movie (about 20 hours) but it shows how it really was during world war 2.
Every guy should have seen it.

- 7 years in Tibet
Brad Pitt as an Austrian Climber who comes to Tibet and becomes the Consultant of the Dalai Lama.

- Lucky Number Slevin
A smart story with a turning end.

- The Soloist
Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr. in beautiful movie about a homeless talent and his passion for music.

- Batman Beginns
My fav Batman movie. How he became what he is.

- The last Samurai
An American who becomes a Samurai. 

- Rocky I,II,III and IV
Yes, every Rocky movie without the 4th one. 

- P.S I love you
Nice Story about a guy who died but left a couple of letters for his wife trying to help her through this time and finding new love.

- Slumdog Millionaire 
A true story about a guy always lived on the street and how he became a millionaire on a TV game show just to re find his love.

- Ocean's eleven
Daniel Ocean and his eleven rubbing 3 casinos. 

- The sixth sense
Bruce Willis is in his strangest case. A Boy who really can see the dead.

- Brokeback Mountain
A must for everyone who has never heard about it..

- Wall E
My favorite animated movie!

- Full Metal Jacket
It's actually not that good but every one has already seen it.

I'm sure there are a lot more, but honestly I never spent so much time on one post (maybe I would have been faster if I didn't watch a movie while writing..). 34 Ideas should be enough minus one, guess which one..

Anyway If you have an idea about a movie I or anybody else should see, just let me now by commenting.


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