Freitag, 25. März 2011


Dear readers

I know it's been a while since my last post, so today I'd like to tell you whats up.

This week I really started working.. actually I didn't work much yet, but I will.
I'm learning my job and it's more complicated than it sounds.
From this week on I'm a technical supporter, of course this is not a job for ever just until sumer when school starts, but it's a good way to meet people and earn some money.

What kind of supporter you ask? I'll tell you.
I'm one of these guys you talk with when you have problems with digital TV or those crappy media boxes.

It sounds really depressing but I feel pretty comfy 'til now. Before I even started I knew 5 guys working there. During Training I'm with a friend in class and all the other people there are young cool and mostly students.
You earn not bad and you can work there while going to school, this means I still could work after summer. 

But all this stuff is so weird to me.
Imagine sleeping until midday, training and just being lazy turns into waking up early, sitting on a chair all day long.. and WAKING UP EARLY!

But it's cool, it could be worse. I mean I'm having a lot of fun with my friend there, judging on all the people speaking in front and make jokes about them, asking weird things and make everybody laugh.. well.. just as I usually am.

I'm sure all of you guys are just waiting for the application video to watch I've told you about. Unfortunately it's not cut yet, we just didn't have time to cut it, but it's gonna be "legen-dady" (as Barney Stinson said in "How I met your mother" s6 e19).

So be patient guys and you will keep laughing.

Oh by the way, push me luck for having my holiday request accepted.
Some friends are going to spend a week in the italian part of Swiss and they asked me to join them. We did this already once and it was so crazy!
So if I go you will ready a lot of goofy stuff like vomiting contests and Yamakasi try outs.

Allright fockers


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