Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010

Xmas Party

First I would like to apologize that you had to wait so long for news.
I was... absent.. but this is another story.
Now I would like to tell you what happened before I was.. absent..

I like to tell you about Xmas.
I was sooo confused.. I know christmas this way:
On christmas eve (24. dec) you stay together with family and friends you have a big dinner, happy, stuff. On xmas (25. dec) you give your presents and stuff.

Do you know what aussies do on christmas eve?
Thats a normal day they work I even had school on xmas eve.
the 25. they have a big lunch together and give presents before. not even a dinner it's lunch!
and thats it.

And here is what we did.
couple of days before everybody of us took a paper with the name of somebody else. I'm sure everybody knows this. it's called secret santa

I took Oswaldo the Brazilian Guy.
I choose to give him a funny present, I bought him a Mug (coffee cup) on which it was written: "the world greatest pornstar" and in it some condoms just in case he need some while breakfast.

We gave our presents on the 24. because its was the first time everybody was home at same time. It was so funny. Marc, my host dad, even dressed as santa so fun!
I received a T-shirt with Joda from Starwars with some cool sunglasses =)
and Sasha (my host sister) gave me some silk boxers on which it's written: "FBI Female Body Inspector" so funny.
next day we had a great lunch with a buffet very nice and I didn't even had to wash up.

This was just 1 day before I was.. absent..


Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010

Wilson answers

Allright today I took the bike to school again and I took the fastest way, which mean you have to pass Wilson (hope you remember Wilson the bored crow).

But this time I took my camera with me (at this point thx to my mate Fab for the idea) and filmed how Wilson attacked me.
So Wilson is not affraid of cameras because he did attack me but only ones and the best, you can see it on the video! =)

I can't post it on the blog becaus it seems like you need to link it with youtube but youtube is blocked at school. So tomorrow I'm going to try a diffrent way to link it because you guys have to watch my 1st survival movie =)


Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010

Mexico City, Munich, Montreal and Moscow

Great, Great, Great
I'm talking not only about the weather but also about the fact that we don't have any homework this week. So this mean that it's a party week. It starts today with the Brazilian Party as I already told you. I know some people now and found some friends. I'm trying to not speak to much german (I'm speaking more german than in switzerland) because I'm here to improve my english so if I wouldn't have this blog I would get a big fat zero in improving.

I thought about movinh to Surfers Paradise itself for some reasons, one of them is to must speak english. I met some Brazilian guys they asked me if i want to move with them. You might be a little confused because you thought I live in Surfers. I actually live In Mermaid Waters which is at Gold Coast too but to Surfers it takes me 20 minutes by bike (if Wilson is not too bored).
So this means that I have to pay always about 20 bucks for the cab from Club to home, which is too much.

By the Way do you guys know where the word cab is comming from?
It commes from the french word cabrioler which means when goats jumping around, because the first cabs bumped that much that it reminded the passengers on bumping goats.

anyway tonite I'm going to ask some people a question, you should do the same to brake the ice with strangers, as my teacher advised.

Which were the names of the cities that all started with M, where the Olympic Games were held continuously.
That means one after one.

Guess :P


Montag, 20. Dezember 2010

One weekend at the Gold Coast

Friday eve I went to the National Basketball League game of the Blaze versus Crocs.
It was awesome, it was great and it was legen.. wait for it.. dary!
Even when the Blaze are the 2nd last and the Crocs are the 3rd last one of the League..
Anyway it was cool. very good game and finally Blaze won and after the game I went to the court to take pictures of the players and get autographs. 

Saturday I went surfing, 1st time in my life, it was so cool although the waves weren't good. It's a great feeling when you get pushed by the waves first time. Standing on the board seemed little bit difficult because you don't know where exactly to stay and when and how to stand up. It's all about experience. It's sure that I'm going to surf some more times.
Here is my advice. Never ever go surfing without a suit or at least a t-shirt.
Your nipples will be wounded and that really hurts like when Charley bit his brothers finger on YouTube. Saturday was cloudy so i didn't take any sun blocker (big mistake) at the Gold Coast UAV Raise are so high that they don't give a fuck on clouds. Now I got sunburned..

Sunday was the greatest day, it rained.. the whole day without stopping so I was home and did nothing except starting to watch every season, again.

What did you do?


Surf Club Ritual

Every friday is graduation day.
That mean there wil be hold some speaches of students who are leaving on this day,
very funny always, especially when some asian guys take out their 16 pages long speaches and you can't hear anything, because they don't speak clearly in the mic, nice try..

But it's allways sad when cool people leave this week 4 guys of my class left =(
Monday we got new ones =) freshmen!

Yoshimi, a Japanese girl of my clas, left too so my teacher Mark said something about her that she was a good student with great grammar skills and he really said "This week she had a great experience sitting next to Ardi and teach him some grammar I think they would be a lovely couple, Oh there he is. Hi Ardi" and pointed on me, in front of the whole school. How emberassing would everbody think, I don't care it was just funny.
Yoshimi held her speach and I understoud; great, good, beach, miss and happy and I think she said something with facebook too.

Anyway, just after the speaches everyone goes to the surf club. It's like a little club (actually it's a deck over a restaurant) so funny. but there are only guys from my school there and you can drink cheap. Last Friday was so cool, In 2 minutes the sky transformed from cloudly to stormy.. very stormy. We've even seen a tornado on the sea.

So after a while Daina arraived (who is Daina?), Daina is a swiss I met her a week before. She Was in Langports too now she has some vacation and then she will start studying in australia because her Dad has the australian citizenship so that she gets kind of social opertunitis to study here, She told me about Tim Tam, it's a very delicous australian chocolate biscuit. And last Friday she brought me some because I didn't knew it. Isn't this sweet?! =)

I like the Surf Club Ritual. You allways meet new people and it's good to organize which parties you have to go.

Looking forward to reach friday =)


Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010

3 little Ice Cubes

I really get mad when I look out of the window.

It's raining!

Don't get this in a wrong way, I'm not the type of person who hates rain, gets disappointed and gets worried about his hair (..well the last part might be right). No I'm not, otherways I didn't have fun in Venice =)
I just hate that it changes so dramaticly.

In the morning I get sweaty befor I even arrive at school, in the afternoon I have to wait till it stops raining to ride home (that's why I'm still here).

Yesterday was great but too Hot, I decided to go to the beach instead of school. Yeah I know.. bad boy, but You don't get this, there hasn't been a day like this since I'm here. It was even to hot for the ice cubes in my water, poor cubes dind't last long..

That reminds me on a story!

Once upon a time..

I was in school. Proffesional school to be honest.

There was a friend of mine (no it was not me). He had an affair with a girl of the same class (what a jerk!) later they were in a relationship.. So once I discovered a tattoo on her back.
3 little Icecubes. I asked him about the meaning. After almost fighting with him, he told me the story.

She had a best friend (male) and I think she was a little into him. After spending much time together they had sex and for every time they had sex they got inked. So the 3 cubes stand for 3 times they were in bed together.. (Common! Are you kidding me?!)

The only thing I said was: "At least you know when she cheatted on you"
This seemed not to be a problem because, her friend and she don't talk anymore together and he regretts it that he got inked, she don't!

what we learn from this story is..

..check always your girlfriends back!

Hey it stopped raining. =)


Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2010

2nd week

It's official.
I'm no more a "Newbie" at school!

Every monday, new students start at Langports, that mean I'm no more the new one.
I'm so happy because from now on, all the attention won't be on me all though I'm looking for it :P

So today it's Tuesday that means tonite is Brazilian party.. Actually me teacher use to call it Swiss party, because there are more Swiss than Brazilians. Yesterday we had a barbie at the pool just men, we talked about men stuff like muscle gaining, horror films, food and law.. sounds weired right? It wasn't, just nice.

It just started to rain, that's why I'm still in school. My lesson ends normaly at noon despite most people having school till 3. But I don't wanna ride home when it rains, so I wait... and wait..

About school my grammer is still worse (see? I had to say "my grammer is still bad".. anyway..)
But my teacher said my speaking is fantastic, When he asked me why, I said "I don't know I just speak the way it sounds better", he answered "When you finnish my class, you will know why and not only because of the sound" OMG and I really learn. Today I learned about finite verbs, contrast and purpuse clauses "WTF" would I say when I was in Swiss but now, I'm a pro!

All right you guys are not here to learn some english, but I wan't to tell you some Aussie expressions, so that you are prepared when you come down under.

Aussie - Australian
Barbie - Barbeque (BBQ)
Stingy - Person who don't like to spend money
get root - get fucked
Mate - Friend/Buddy
Arvo - afternoon
Fag - Fucking Gay
Esky - Ice Box
sup - What is going up (e.g. "sup mate?")
rip off - when somebody sold you something too expensiv

Hope I helped you

Miss you Fags, keep fun.


Freitag, 10. Dezember 2010

The bored Crow!

I started to go to school by bike. It's much less expensiv, you keep your fitness and it's even faster than bus.
When I go to school there is no problem. Sweaty, you are a little, but you're going to survive.

But! when I go home, just 200 meer befor I arrive. There is a bored Crow waiting for you and you wont believe it, but he really attacks you. I have never seen this befor, but it's true.
And it not only happened to me, Elodie started to laugh when I told her, because she had the same experience too. He allways attacks your helmet, maybe he would't when I wouldn't wear one, but I don't wanna risk. Keep riding straight when you are beeing attacked..

The only reason I come to ,is just that Wilson is bored (I called him Wilson, don't know why, but how would you call a crow?).

So here is my advice.
When you're riding the bike. Take allways a tennis racket with you!


Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2010

Still no Survival Video?!

I know lot of guys are waiting till I post the first video with a great way how to do weired things.
But in fact I'm still confused with my way to school and back (I already got lost twice..). So please be patient. The other problem is that I don't know how to start! In switzerland it was easy, I had my mates around. but here these People I know are new too and still shy, except me ;)

So I thought for my first Video. I'm gonna ask you people what to do for my `Take One`.
Please comment this post with weired ideas and I'm gonna do the funniest and weiredest one.

Have fun.


Home and Mates

So, about my new home. I live in a big house in Mermaid Waters this takes probably the same way like I have from my place to go to town. By Bike it takes you about 20 Minutes.
My Moms name is Sandra she’s an English teacher her husband is named Marc he’s an Internet marketing guy, they have a daughter her name’s Sasha she’s in my age.

They have many pets about 3 cats, 2 birds, 1 Hamster and 1 dog. The dogs name is Muffin, isn’t this cute! But Muffin doesn’t smell good at all, so I guard the distance.

Besides the family and the zoo I live here with other students.
First Guys I met were Alex and Carmelo 2 Columbian guys, I think Alex is good in cooking and Carmelo is a Surf teacher, how great is this? They both go in a language school to but not in mine. Then I met Leo and Rafael Brazilian guys they work a lot and they're surfers. Leo make even Surfboards and Rafael is actually Sashas Boyfriend. There is a Japanese Guy living here too, his language course ended and his still here to work and use English, actually he’s not good in English. He has always a small Computer that is in fact a dictionary and he uses it more than anything else. His name is Tayoski (I had so long to keep his name in my mind, the first days I just called him Takeshi). There is a French girl too, her name is Elodie she’s in my school. I like to talk French with her, even when I’m here to learn English… than there is a Brazilian Couple, they’re in my school too, His name is Rodrigo and her is Janina, they're also in my school. Carolina is new in the house too, she arrived 1 day after me, but she already was in Surfers, she just changed the accommodation for a while. She’s in my school too. She’s Brazilian too, she never ever cooked by her self, had a housekeeper who did this for her, so I teached her… Like I am such a great chef :D I helped her to make rice, omg not even that she knew. But it’s ok first time always hurts.
Yesterday a new one arrived, his name is Ozy he’s a Brazilian too (think they’re dominating).

I like this kind of mix in my house. I meet a lot of cultures, especially Brazilians, but actually it’s cool.

‘Cause in school there are so many Swiss ( a whole quarter of them) and it’s weird to talk English with them, ‘cause you know exactly these guys will understand you better in your own language.
I think it’s going good so far with meeting new people and learning english.

Buuut Kangaroo, I still haven’t seen any! =(


Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010

Endless voyage

All right. I’m now at the Gold Coast, but it was such a complicated way to come down under.

You remember when I left? I left about 3 p.m. with my dad and his friend. Roads were good, we arrived at about 5 p.m. at the airport.
I checked in and we went to Zürich to eat. After we met some friends of my dad to talk about business stuff… Boarding was about 9 o’clock and flight was at 9:45 so we left at 8. When we went to the Highway we came in traffic! I thought I’m going to miss the flight.
My dad brought me down, his super car told him it’s not a long traffic. So we came on time at the airport. Michèle was already nervous that I wasn’t still there. By the way you still don’t know Michèle. After I booked my trip to surfers I met her. Her friend and my friend are together in class. This is so weird, after talking about small talk stuff. She told me she’s going to Surfers too at exactly the same time as I. She even booked the same course, but she’s going to stay 3 more Months and she lives in another house. After this I booked the same flight like her we did the seat reservation together.

So Michèle was really nervous… maybe because I told her I’m still in traffic and actually I was at airport. We met after passing border. She was sad, she came with 3 friends and they won’t see for a while, so it’s understandable. Later we went to the plane to Dubai and it was already clear that we were not the only ones who are going to Australia for a language trip. Our Seats were on the right side of the plane, I felt claustrophobic when I saw the seats. I mean, hello? I’m a tall guy I will never fit in it. After trying a half of an hour and with the strength of 3 Stewardesses I was finally sitting. Michèle was sitting at the window place, I was in the middle and next to me was another girl with destination Brisbane too. We had a screen on the seat, Michèle knew which movies are going to be shown. She actually knew everything. She knew the weather in every destination, knew what is going to be served even knew which planes we’re going to travel with and their length! We all were very tired but it was impossible for me to sleep.

After arriving in Dubai we went through all security zones and finally to the flight. Dubai was so impressive, every 100 meter you had prayer rooms and they had a biotope in the airport! We were so tiered couldn’t wait to sit in the plane and sleep. Michèle and me were in a row of 2, Andrea was 2 Rows behind us. Plane was so freeze don’t know what they did. After Flying 3 hours the pilot said we had to turn back to Dubai because of an engine problem… whaat? Are you kidding me? So we went to Dubai AGAIN and went through the security zone AGAIN. We didn’t even eat, so Emirates invited us for a meal in a restaurant. In fact when we were sitting to eat, boarding started, we didn’t care. After eating slowly we went to the gate and in plane, now I slept but not long enough.
So finally we arrived in Brisbane, I was expecting Kangaroos who are waiting for incoming tourists to give a chain of flower. But there wasn’t.
I was so confused when I went in the car to get home and cars were driving on the left side, even the drivers place was on the opposite site! We drove about an hour but there wasn’t any Kangaroo! What the hell?


Montag, 6. Dezember 2010

1st school day

Ok Guys finally in Surfers!
Had some problems with internet, because there is no in my house..
I've already started to write my post about the travel but, it's on my laptop.
So now it's my first school day, I'm beginning in about 24 minutes.
there are so many of different people here from diffrent countrys and cultures.
just nex to me on the computer is a japanese girl, it's her first day too but she don't speaks any english
on the other side I have 2 french girls talking french together and you're not allowed to speak another language than english in school (I'm gonna tell the theachers)
Behind me there are my two house mates Elodie and Carolina, thank god we're in same school, I never wouldn't find school or bus home.

Langports at first sight is great, I think I'm going to have much fun here as soon as the weather gets better, I'm gonna start how to surf. And as soon as I complet my post about the trip (it's was such an expirence) and about my home, I'm gonna post it.

I've just seen the free-time program there is so much to do allmost every-day!
from BBQ to Skydive, from Surfing to Soccer and much more!
Buuuuuut! I still haven't seen any Kangoros!! I thought they're jumping around like there is no other animal =(
I'm so depressed because of it, when I don't see any in the next days I'm going to outback (but have to look for Bear Grills to take him with me)

OMG these japanese girl next to me is writing an e-mail in japanese on a english keyboard, how difficult must be this?!

So all my swiss mates (and my mates all over the world)! hope you're enjoying the weather!


Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2010

Leaving Switzerland

So Today I'm going to leave Switzerland. My Flight is in the Evening but I'm going to leave home about 7 hours earlier. Nooo the Airport isn't that far (just about 1 and a half hour), actually it's more about that we have so much Snow on the Roads (yesterday i felt like in Ski vacation..) and there are some Roadworks so I thought, when I'm going to miss this flight because of traffic you guys won't learn anything in my blog.. So I'm leaving that early just because of you!

Do you know this Song of the Pointer Sisters - I'm so exited? I feel exactly like this. I'm so exited about surviving in Australia, I'm so exited about the people I'll meet there, I'm so exited and I just can't hide it! .... Great... can't get this song now out of my mind!

But actually I'm leaving with different feelings.. In one way I'm happy about going in a warm area (in WINTER!) and learning how to surf but in an other way I'm leaving all my friends..
I can't just go out with them, when I like to. I mean, I have to calculate if they're awake to even talk or chat with them. I hate those sentimental moments, 'cause I'm a funny guy I like laughing and stuff, but I hate it if someone's sad. that's why I didn't give a leaving party. I met friends in those last days and everyone told me that it's not gonna be the same without me but I have to enjoy it. Hello? this isn't really helping. Just while I'm typing this I got a massage of my cousin, she wishes me all the best a good flight and much fun, how sweet is this? Yesterday I thought about canceling all, just because I'm gonna miss all!

So I'm coming to the 2nd advice (1st was already that you have to leave early enough) never ever cancel something! Every moment in life is a chance, If you cancel something you're canceling your chance! Example: If your best friend asks you to go clubbing together, it's a chance. Maybe you're going to meet new people and maybe later in life in a situation you're happy to know them. maybe you will see somebody you haven't seen since years or maybe you will meet your big love, maybe. But if you say "no I'm tired, had a long day, blah blah blah I'm not coming" then you cancel your chances in every way! Be spontaneous and don't say no, just be like the Yes Man!

I'm having so much fun with this linking option =)
Thats the point where i should end my post, so I'll see you on the other side ;)
