Montag, 20. Dezember 2010

One weekend at the Gold Coast

Friday eve I went to the National Basketball League game of the Blaze versus Crocs.
It was awesome, it was great and it was legen.. wait for it.. dary!
Even when the Blaze are the 2nd last and the Crocs are the 3rd last one of the League..
Anyway it was cool. very good game and finally Blaze won and after the game I went to the court to take pictures of the players and get autographs. 

Saturday I went surfing, 1st time in my life, it was so cool although the waves weren't good. It's a great feeling when you get pushed by the waves first time. Standing on the board seemed little bit difficult because you don't know where exactly to stay and when and how to stand up. It's all about experience. It's sure that I'm going to surf some more times.
Here is my advice. Never ever go surfing without a suit or at least a t-shirt.
Your nipples will be wounded and that really hurts like when Charley bit his brothers finger on YouTube. Saturday was cloudy so i didn't take any sun blocker (big mistake) at the Gold Coast UAV Raise are so high that they don't give a fuck on clouds. Now I got sunburned..

Sunday was the greatest day, it rained.. the whole day without stopping so I was home and did nothing except starting to watch every season, again.

What did you do?


2 Kommentare:

  1. every season? of... how i met your mother? =)
    i just watched every single episode... =)

    "Your nipples will be wounded".. haha legen...wait for it..DARY!

    Nice Blog, Barn.... I mean RD... =)


  2. Yes sir.
    great buddy now your updated =)

    It is funny, I even laughed about my self when I've seen my red nipples =)

    Cheers Mate = Thx a lot bro ;)
