Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011

Checkpoint Bravo 2.0

Ladies and Gentleman please take a seat for the following..




18th of January!

Whaat the..? Is the wrong question!

How the..? would fit better!

Some of you might know, that today in a month I'm flying back to coldness.
Seems like yesterday when I arrived, shy and tired, at Gold Coast and 'til now 7 weeks has gone so fast. This reminds me on the song "Greenday - wake me up when september ends"
'Cause I feel like sleeping and the time to get up is coming closer and closer.

Even though I know I wrote yesterday that I miss everything in Great Swiss (This is my revenge for the embarrassing history lesson today Rob), I can't imagine not having Brazilians around, of course the number of Swiss would be the same but the mentality wont.

So I decided to come down under again one day. Who wants to join me? =P

This is the part where I get sentimental so please do not laugh.. 
Thank you.. 

(no seriously don't laugh guys..)

I would like to do the checkpoint review (If you don't know what this means no worry I just created it)

Let's call the beginning of my journey Checkpoint Alfa which is the Day I arrived, Bravo would be the middle and Charlie would be the end.
And because we already passed the middle we call it Bravo 2.0 (what a smart solution :P)

'Til Checkpoint Bravo 2.0 I:
got confused with the accent
have been introduced to my host fam. and host bros and sis
went to school
went to Hardrock cafe
did homework
went to my first Aussie party
stayed home because of tiredness
went surfing
met people
bought a bike
got attacked by Wilson
got lost
got rained
had BBQ's
have xmas and nuyear
went to Fraser Island
moved to the city
went to Karaoke
had OPS
learned Portugese
went to many Homeparties
learned how to dance Brazilian style -> thx Lara =)
went to Wet'n'Wild
told everybody I was from France or Brazil (so funny when Swiss people tell you sth about Switzerland)

(please do not concern about my grammar I know I took the wrong tense but I'm too lazy to correct it) 

Actually I did a lot more, but I didn't write it all down 'cause you guys need to know every aspect to understand all. 

More interesting will be what I'm going to do.
..I won't tell you!

Just about tonight.. 

Because it's tuesday (Brazilian/Swiss party) and my last month so it's going to be my countdown party tonight.
Everybody is coming to my place even some teachers.
Will be so fun.

I'll keep you informed but now I need to go.


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