Dienstag, 11. Januar 2011


I might have told you about my teacher Mark, the funny teacher who always repeats his self.
He likes me I think, maybe because I'm the only one who laughs at his jokes..
so what? I always try to get advantages from neurolinguistic (like this word, means affect the appearance somebody has on you by acts or sounds you do).

anyway he recommended me to move into a higher course and here I am. 
today was my first day in the advanced class. The class is called CAE Flexi.
Which means it's kind of flexible preparation course for the Cambridge CAE Test. This word flexible means this = it's called CAE but we prepare with PCE (Proficiency) exercises. I just say this: OMG! this stuff is so complicated. In the reading part he asked us to highlight the words we don't know, after the first paragraph I thought, well.. if he wanna have a rainbow paper why not.. 

But there was one word nobody knew and I did. It's: "Contemplating" usually you don't learn this word because it's a synonym for advanced british speaking. I caught  it up when I was in Canada 2 Years ago. It means this: "Think about".

to contemplate (infinitive) contemplated (past participle)

Use this in your next essay and you will impress your teacher.

My new teacher Rob is a good one, he's british and he liked my t-shirt with the motive of Mohamed Ali (again neurolinguistic). The other students in my class are all high grade students like medical or law and some of them are even underaged.

Anyway I'm gonna have fun and if not I'm going to my last class 'cause I miss them.


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