Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2011


You might remember when I told you about Rebacca who gave me my first penalty?
Now I got the second or again the first.. whatever..

Just to remember you get a penalty for each time you speaK your own language, if you get the third one, you have to go home (like this would be a punishment..).

Anyway today I was speaking german to Nadja I think. When a hand grapped my arm and pulled me to the reception desk. Despite her age the teacherS grap was very strong and of course I didn't want to hurt her, so didn't defend my self..

She took me to Susie, who already gave me my 1st penalty so Susie knows me.. But she asked me: "Ardi, is this your first penalty?" I said yes!! (c'mon, what would you say in such a situation?!) and she asked me: "Are you sure?" I said no!! (I'm just too honest to ly and this has nothing to do with the fact that she could check this)

She said I've never been marked for a penalty so I got my 1st penalty again and I said I don't need the penalty paper 'cause I already know whats written on it. she laughed..

In classroom Leonie (another teacher) passed and I asked her if she could speak to Susie to not note my penalty, she said: "NO, but what I can do is giving you an advice, do not speak your own language."
That was the point were my acting me came up. So I said yes but I was speaking not my language 'cause I was speaking french (in fact I didn't, but that kept the discussion rolling) and because german is my language it's not  an offend of the school rules =)

Then of course everybody laughed but actually that was a good point, because Leonie and Jo went through the rules and really it's just written that you're not allowed to speak your language.
Lucky me I've been the first fighter of the Langports revolution.
But they gonna fix it by tomorrow and I'll keep my second penalty marked as first..

At least I tried..


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