Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011

The legend of the 5 Rings

Awesomeness of awesome!
No I'm not talking about me (not only)  I'm talking about yesterday.
Yesterday I went to come back into a fighters mentality.
What does this mean?
Good question!
I'm sure you know this kind of old school, chinese, martial arts, flying around, weird named, kick ass movies, where the silent warrior make his pilgrimage to the mountain of Hayabusa to meditate under the waterfall of Yokohari for not less than 4 months without eating or sleeping of course and after that he comes back to the valley of Horinaka and beats the 1000 soldiers of the evil emperor Kim Park Lee IV to rescue his beloved princess Fergie (I couldn't find a better name). 

That's exactly what I did yesterday.. except of the part.. you know which part..

Yesterday I really went to the Muay Thai training. Some of you might know that I did regularly (/excessive)  Muay Thai before Army and because I want to start again when I go back, I thought, hey why not to start on my fitness here?!

So I went with Jack (my Thai mate who does Muay Thai as well) to the Kick-Ass club which is called 5 Rings Dojo (pretty impressive isn't it).


Training was exhausting but not that hard as I thought. What really gave me the rest was the first exercise: Clinching.
I did no clinching practice for the last 18 months maybe, so I was not used to it. Never in my whole life I had so much neck ache as now (actually I had.. yesterday) I couldn't even hold my head straight without my hands.
The rest of the training I tried to look as I was not impressed.

The trainer was a big guy from Russia, Arslan was his name. If I were a woman this would be the most perfect body I could imagine.. I know it sounds a bit gay but hey, you didn't see it,, even I got jealous (and nooo, ladies I wont tell you where the dojo is).
anyway after training I did some stretching I like it when everybody watches me how flexible I am and I did some punching bag just to show them that I'm not done yet.
I think Arslan liked me, because I always bowed when he told me something and he saw my tattoo.. When he asked me if I'm moslem (which I am), I thought he's going to kick me out 'cause most of Russians are orthodox and they don't like us, anyway I said yes and guess what he told me he's moslem too. I couldn't believe it until I've seen him praying after training.

So when I wanted to leave with Jack, Arslan asked us if we need a lift home and then he asked me If i can drive. Without thinking I said yes and gave me a key of a new jeep (very cool car) and just said follow my car which was a black Audi Q7.. 

at this point I would like to take a break to repeat it an Audi Q7..
Which is my favorite car! No it's not a ferrari or mercedes or crab it's the Audi Q7.
It was the first Audi Q7 which I've seen in Australia I didn't even know Aussies know this car. So I got into the jeep on the right side I was pretty nervous because it was the first time I've ever driven on the right side but that left me cold 'cause I drove like a native driver. The Car was pretty cool and fast! So I followed him in his Audi Q7 to the building where he lives. He said get into the other car I'm gonna park the jeep in the car park. So we entered the Audi Q7 in which the keys still stuck.

Please imagine this situation! You're in your favorite car ever a Hip Hop beat is coming out of a modified subwoofer and the key is plugged.. If I wasn't that conscientious I would have stolen it immediately. He came back and brought us in front of our building. I like this guy and his Audi Q7 by the way that was the 7th time I mentioned his car.

But now, everything hurts by neck is not doing better, I didn't even go out yesterday and that means something! I hope I'll do better soon to go again and beat his fighters up.


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