Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2011

Countdown Party

I just say this: Never ever again!

I told everybody to come at 9.00 to 9.30 pm to my place. I actually invited just a few people but then everybody knew it's going to be a party in my place so everyone asked me if they could come.

At 9.00 I got some messages about if my guests can bring other guests I said sure.. 
It was pretty cool lot of people most of them from school some who I didn't know, I didn't count them. I was just worried about the security.

Bruno came to me he said what a great party, I'm the first swiss who had more girls at a home party than boys and really there were 3 times more girls than boys.
Was very funny I didn't even had to think about buying stuff, thanks good I bought plastic cups.

But then it started.. Somebody told me the security is looking angry and we should keep this controlled, so I took everyone inside at kept the noise volume on an acceptable level.

I even did a little improvised speech, I said more or less:
"Thank you party people for coming to my place and joining my lil party, some of you might know that this is my countdown party 'cause today in one month I'm leaving" - "Ohhhhh" (sad faces everywhere) "But I really appreciate you came. The security seemed like he had no sex since months, so please stay quiet 'cause otherwise he'll get the police and they gonna stop the party, cheers"

But suddenly my flatmate came and told me the security wants to see me, so I went downstairs.
Then I found myself arguing with this guy, 'cause he said there were 32 people in my flat, I said it's not true and stuff. I really don't remember what he talked about but I know he became so angry 'cause he thought I'm pissing him off. He told me I'll have to leave the country (I really don't think this guy is intelligent..) he told me he's going to call the police he even showed me their number.. so what? I went back to my flat he was screaming something but I didn't listen.

And then everybody went to the Brazilian party.
Today I tried to clean up the mess in my flat but I think it has not ended yet. Bruno had to go to do the report at police station when I came back from party. Because he broke something he had to stay the whole night awake, but he said it wasn't him and today he need to talk with the management of the building. I think I'll have to talk with them too.

This fucking security, who never reached something in life 'cause has never been more than 4 times in primary school, interrupted my great party and I even asked him if we were to loud and he said no, so what the fuck is his problem?! I hope they won't charge me or something like this.. 

Anyway now I'm going to watch the 14 episode of the 6th season of How I met your Mom 'cause it finally came out  and then I'm going to sleep the time a lost and later to clean up everything.

So dear guests I hope you liked it because next time it will be in a isolated place, where we can party all night long.


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