Samstag, 26. Februar 2011

Breaking News

I already told you guys that I have this Kick Ass exam in about 2 weeks.
I arrived on Sunday from Australia and from then on, I was studying every day for 5-8 hours in the library. I did  good progress but it still wasn't enough to pass this Test.

Most worried I was about the Accounting and the French part.

Today something unexpectedly and unbelievable happen.
I was sitting in the Law Library of the University of Bern (I like to act like a law student).
I was learning this accounting crap of which I already dreamed about because I've seen it so often this week. As I was reading the part about taxes, I got an message of my brother.
He told me that today it came a letter of the school I had applied for. 
(First I was angry about why this asshole opened my letter)
He told me that they wrote I got a free access.
Which means I don't have to write the exam =)

I am so happy, because I already thought about negotiating with the principal about having more time for the test and then this..

I am so happy, this was so unexpectedly I was already thinking about cleaning my rifle for army. 

My friends still don't know about it (actually they will.. as soon as I press "publishing post") but I wont tell them.. Okay not all of them.

Oh and of course I will continue studying because this school is not easy and I'd like to have a good mark.

Thank you Mrs. Schwaller for this letter, I love you ;)
Thank you friends for believing in me!

Oh and good luck for those of you, who still have to do it =)


Freitag, 25. Februar 2011

Plan B!

It happened..
shit happened..

Today it's the first time I don't know what to write..
Normally I take my notebook click "new post" and start to write today I got stuck for about 4 minutes.. 4 minutes is far to long to think about what to write.

Why does this happen to me? I really don't know but then I started to realize..
..I'm back home and.. it's boring!

I spend hours with studying everyday did a little workout on Tuesday but my muscles still hurt.
Oh and probably the most interesting part..

It started to snow again! =)
It's so beautiful watch the white magic outside until... you go out.. it's cold and windy.
Your hair get wet after it took you hours to style them.. (For most people not for me, I wake up every morning with the ideal hairstyle for the day, sometime it even changes during the day)

But because of my exams I can't even think about snowboarding..
What happens if I wouldn't pass and believe me this could really be the case, because I have no Idea about this stuff anymore.

So I made up my Plan B! 
In the case I don't pass I'll apply for the special forces of swiss army.
Don't ask me why, I still can't answer it for me, it's just ..

I think it might be interesting to try.
out of 400 applicants the chose 8 every year (I still think it's a lie, there are not even 400 guys in swiss army..)

They already send me the forms to fill out and they're really intelligent, after you found out what you have to do for the physical test, you're scared, but they send you a sheet on which you can see the payment..
to be honest you get good money even during the 18 months instruction.

What you have to do is this:
at least..
50 push-ups in 2 minutes without stopping
60 sit-ups in 2 minutes without stopping
10 chin-ups in 2 minutes without stopping
5 kilometers in less than 24 minutes
8 kilometers and 15 kilogram on your back in less than 58 minutes
25 kilometers and 25 kilogram on your back in less than 3.5 hours
300m swimming in less than 10 minutes

this is really hard.. for most people.. but not for me I do this with a blindfold.

You see, I do care about my future and do plan it.
Yeah I know I always boast, that I'm spontaneous and stuff but hey, it's about money making so you're allowed to plan.


Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2011

Wilson's Revenge

I know what you're waiting for!

You still want to see the person I wrote the most about..
Yes.. Me! 
But today I got a special! Today I'm gonna show you a clip of me AND Wilson!

Of course you remember Wilson the bored crow. Which really attacks you while cycling (maybe he's jealous).

Yes I recorded it and here I need to say, it's pretty difficult to manage a camera, cycling and look after a crow but I as a multitasked machine can handle this without any problems.. (I almost fell..)

So this video is just a prove it's not funny or something (it's not meant to be funny) normally this crow attacks you 2-3 times this day he came just once.

Oh and before you watch the video.. please don't take any note of the singing part, it was just to make him angry.



Chloe's graduation speech

Hello my friends and strangers 

As you now I was not able to upload my videos in Australia, but now as I'm back I'd like to share my experience with you.

Now, do you remember how I told you about the graduation speeches? And do you remember about the japanese people speaking and nobody understands?
I made a video of one of them graduating. Don't get this in a wrong way, Chloe (we really don't know what's her real name) really improved her english (I guess) it's just.. she's so funny when she speaks unclearly into the microphone =)

enjoy the movie!

Langports Studios presents..

in association with Paradise Pictures..

Directed by Ardi
Executive Direction by Adam the Principal
Sound by Joe
Casting by Nici from reception

Staring: Chloe as Chloe 
Barbara as the teacher
Statists as Students

(Parental control, this movie might contain scenes of violence and sex. 
Please make sure this clip is not being watched by underaged)


Back in Town

That's the first thing I discovered after I arrived in Zürich.
Before I even went to get my luggage, I walked straight into the next restroom to change.
Instead of tongues I wore shoes AND socks!
Instead of shorts Jeans, long ones of course!
instead of a t-shirt.. well actually I've still worn a t-shirt but over this 3 more things..

To get out of the airport I had to take the train, for those who have never been in the airport train in Zürich, it's a must! You'll hear people singing in native style and there it was, my first "grüezi" which means "hi" in swiss despite it came through the speakers I was happy =)

Panic came over me as I was waiting for my stuff.
"If you see a red, embarrassing suitcase, it's mine." I told Krista.
I couldn't tell here that my suitcase is actually purple, that would be even more embarrassing. 
I was worried if my suitcase went instead to Singapore..

Finally it arrived and I went through to the exit, where I found immediately the white smiling faces which were waiting for me =)
Carrying this big  sign with my name on it, there were waiting about 46 people of whom I knew only the half, the other half were some bored gangsters from the ghetto Spreitenbach which didn't know what else to do.
On one sign there was even Oprah's name.. did he expect Oprah is coming with me? Poor idiot? She's coming in a few weeks... not!

My people were so surprised I still knew how to speak german.. of course I do, in Surfers there were even more Swiss than in my neighborhood (and the worst part.. it's true!)
Back in Swissyland (I call it Swissyland because Rob used to call it this way -> wherever he is) we went to eat. guess where.. Mc'Donalds.. yeah, but at least I paid with swiss money.. actually my friend paid because haven't been at the "ATM" yet.. I'm such an asshole.. 

Even my cousin came to see me at the airport, he looks like usual, dressed weird but he doesn't care :D 
Then we went for a coffee and guess where.. right Starbucks.. I came to Switzerland for the same shit I had over there..
After that we went to my place, it was so unusual to drive on the right side of the street =) I was sitting in front and all 4 minutes I looked back to my friends and smiled because I was happy.. I love you people!

Finally we arrived home with all 54 people (right we picked up another 8). I was so surprised when I saw my brothers taller than before, my younger bro was always a midget but now he reached the level of the Lonney Tunes. my youngest brother was as tall as me when I left and I'm already tall but now he is even 4 cm taller than me, so he's 212 cm now.. kidding!

Some of the gangsters of Spreitenbach slept in my place 'cause they missed the train back home and we did Pasta together.. like I had not enough Pasta in Australia.. but my mom is still in Canada so I couldn't enjoy yet her meals.

Although I went to bed at 1 a.m. I woke up 5 and a half hours later.. hello where are we.. in army? So I washed the dishes and went to the library to study for my test. I was not even that bad but still got to learn a lot. 

All the people look at me like I'm a weirdo, I know I am, but they didn't look at me like this before. Maybe it's strange for them seeing someone tanned in this time.. they're just jealous but another 3 days and I'm sure I'm gonna be as white as them.. 

I'm really disappointed because there is no snow. "Be happy" would most people say, but I'm not! I'd like to go snowboarding and this seems only possible on my xbox 360..

Swiss sucks!


Sonntag, 20. Februar 2011

Bubble Australia

I'm sitting now in Dubai at gate 221 and waiting for my flight back home.
2 hours until boarding..
I just had a 14 hours flight next to me there was a huge black guy, imagine an NFL Full Guard with a weight of 250 pounds. This guy next to me was for sure his older brother.

As I'm sitting here, I'm thinking about the time I had, the people I met and the experience I made.
In all this time I've been there, I never felt like home. I mean of course you get used to it, but I felt always like in vacation.

Lucky me, I'm flying with Krista back home, poor Krista got to work tomorrow, she asked me while we were driving to the airport, what is my gratest experience I had in Australia. I thought a lot about it but can't define one thing. There were so many and all of them were connected.
Experiences such as surfing and the sea you won't forget, but also little things like, swimming by rain in the lake on Fraser Island, eat pancakes on a sunday morning, watching the sunrise after clubbing, even all the animals I've seen.. moments like this will last forever.

I would like to say thank you for several things:

..Army, for giving me the money which allowed me to come over here.
..Daniela's, for having me in your house.
..Prolinguis and especially Gabriela for organizing my trip. all the people I met here with whom I had a lot of fun. all my beloved in Switzerland and Canada for keeping the contact and missing me.
..Ripcurl, for your rashie which made it possible for me to learn how to surf.
.."Nu" mineral spring water, without you I had survived my school days.
..Enzo, for cutting my hair.
..Blogger, for writing on you all my nonsense.

As I already said here it's not like home or let's say it this way, Surfers is not real.
Susie had the best expression for this, she used to say: Bubble Australia.
After the bubble bursts, real life starts again.
What does it mean for me? Back into real life I have 20 days to learn for my exams it's gonna be tough because I've to learn something I knew 2 years ago.
Of course I'll continue writing to not let you getting bored.
Susie asked me on my last day, what I learned.
the whole flight I was thinking about this question, and I'm still thinking..


Mysterious Graduation

After an 11 weeks course I finally reached the day of my graduation.
But the circumstances of this day were different than all the other graduations I’ve seen.

1 Day before I left school it all started..
It was a usual day at Langports, everything was how it’s supposed to be.
My teacher Rob brought a box to school with which we probably should practise the oral speaking test of the CAE test, why I know this? It was written on it and he asked me what I’d like to do on my last week and I said: speaking.
By then I couldn’t know that we would never see what’s inside...

We had the usual break but then it started. Rachel told us through the speakers that we would have 10 more minutes of break which I’ve never seen before in all my almost 3 months at surfers.

I knew something is wrong.

After break I saw Rachel instead of Rob standing in my classroom she wanted to be funny and said “I’m the new Rob”.. Nobody laughed..
Then she told us Rob is in a meeting, I knew she’s lying so the following Conversation started:

A: “Where is Rob really?”
R: “In a meeting as I already said”
A: “No he’s not”
R: “How could you know?”
A: “Lady, my Job in army was to find information in several ways, I’ve been taught to how to find the truth and a lie and I was good in my Job, your body language is contrasting so tell us the truth NOW!”
R: “Well.. that’s interesting.. but..”
R: “Nothing..”
R: “Nothing, SIR, I’m just not allowed to speak about it, SIR”
A: “Proceed”

I had to let her go..
So we had class with Rachel, don’t get this in a wrong way I like her but.. okay that’s a lie I don’t like her, I just say I like her because she’s really hot for her age. When a student asks her something difficult, you can see how she gets confused and then she takes a big breath just to make her breast even bigger, just to confuse you.

Anyway in the evening somebody told me that Rob quit nobody knows why.. First I thought this was a joke but then I started to realise it could be possible. Something must have happened during the break.

Next day I came late to school, it was my last day so I didn’t care. I wanted to go and check my mails but I passed next to my classroom to see if Rob was there. Jo was sitting on the teacher’s chair when she saw me she asked me in.
Polite like I am I went in. although I knew, I asked her where Rob is, she told me that he quit but couldn’t tell me why. I was worried, I’m so curious that I have to know what happened.

Later that day I had my graduation speech. I was so cool, not a little nervous like I’m used to it standing on a stage, but who would say something about me when Rob was not there? I hoped Marc, He was me teacher in my first 5 weeks.
Then my name was called..

Marc was standing there, he gave me my certificate, 98% of attendance.. holy shit!
He said I improved very well, my English is incredible and that he sent me just after a few weeks into level 6. I did exceptionally well, congratulations and all the best.
Then we hugged..
It was not one of these gay hugs you know.. It was a male hug!

My speech.. I remember everything but I really didn’t plan what to say.

“Wow so many people here.. (Laugh) my Mom always told me that if I’m nervous I should just imagine all the people in underwear..(Laugh) let’s try.. (Close my eyes.. open them..) Sexy! (Big Laugh)!
(At this point I would like to mention my graduation picture, it was a Kangaroo but he looked really stoned! I shot this picture by my own)
Yeah and by the way this picture.. it’s me after my first Brazilian party (Laugh)

To be honest, I think the most boring part of the school are the graduation speeches, because it’s always the same.. Students say tendentiously 7 to 10 times thank you, 1 out of 3 mentions either Brazilian party or Surf club etc (Laugh).
So I would like to change this today.. Instead of saying thank you I would like to say.. you’re welcome.. (Huge Laugh)
You’re Welcome Rob, wherever you are, and Marc for having me in your class, (laugh) you’re welcome Rebecca for giving me my first warning in my first week for not speaking English in school, you’re welcome Chris for being your favourite library student and you’re welcome students for having fun with me. (Huge Laugh)
You’re welcome Langports!”

Actually there was some more, but I can’t tell you! First of all you wouldn’t believe it and second, you need to know the whole context to get this, but you wouldn’t believe the whole context so let’s keep it like this.
I just say.. I’m a legend in school now.
In the end, I had a standing ovation, people were crying and begging me to stay.
Even in Adam's, my principal, eyes I've seen a tear.

Thanks for everything you're welcome and have fun!


Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2011

The Experiment

Today I would like to introduce a special experiment.

Some of you might know that I was in army but what did I do in those 3 months between army and Australia?

In the 1st month I slept.. and slept.. and went to toilet.. and slept.. and ate.. and slept.. etc.
Then I got bored so I thought to work somewhere to have more money for my trip.
I found 3 jobs and took all of them.

They were just temporary and one of them was as a sales agent.
Yes I was this asshole who calls you home while you're eating or something like that and sells you crab. What I had to sell, were security plaques.

What the fuck is a security plaque? That was my question too.
It's a little piece of metal which you fix on your key ring So imagine you lose this key ring, somebody finds it and reads the plaque on which it's written "Please drop me in the next  Post box" in german, french and english. Apparently your chance to get a lost key back is 95% (of course...) you pay 99$ for a validity of 10 years and because it's a 20 years special you get a 2nd plaque for free (this offer lasts since 2003). The service guarantees 48 hours until you receive you key ring back, from anywhere in Switzerland. What's really impressive, is that this whole system is world wide available, so it's a kind of international service.

Sounds pretty good in the beginning I was a really good seller.. until.. I found out, that I'm selling crap. People told me they got swindled, they have never got back their key rings, and more.

This whole idea is not a bad one, but I would never pay for it, because this service you get from your bank or insurance for free.

Anyway I don't think that this works from everywhere of the world because, be objective, it costs to send something into another country and normally the post wants money for it before you send it and do you think the company would pay for it? I don't think so!
So that's why I started this experiment to see if it works.
Okay I'm honest I bet with my friend, I say it doesn't work he says it does.

So dear ID-Find, which is the name of the company, we would like to see if you speak the truth. For further information you can see their website

My friend gave me his plaque which I put on an old car key of mine.
4 days ago I threw the key ring into a usual box of the Australia post and the best part, I made a video of how I did it, to prove it. Unfortunately I can't upload it, but I will as soon as I can. Of course they will need more than 24 hours so we give them some weeks. 

Oh and I just wanted to say, working for you guys was a shame and no I won't come back to you, because ,like I already told you, I'm sure I could run this better than you guys.


Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011

Mojo Surf

Because I'm leaving soon I thought I need my last surf experience so I decided to attend the Mojo Surf trip from Friday to Sunday.

Please do not ask me about the location otherwise I have to kill you!
..seriously I have no Idea they called it "Spot X" but it was on the east coast that I know, because the sunrise was over the sea.

It all started at Friday night I took my flatmates board which is just called "the banana" because it's so small and thin. I knew it's gonna be difficult to surf on it .. for a noob but I as a pro wouldn't have any problems with it (in fact I'm a noob as well, but that's another story..).
We went to the bus stop and as every Aussie, the bus came late.. finally he arrived and bus was just awesome! We looked like professional sponsored surfers on our way to an international competition. In the bus we watched "forgetting Sarah Marshal" but the DVD player lacked so it was a half of enjoyment.

We arrived at Spot X after a journey of about 4 hours. It was a campsite with bungalows. All of the Staff there looked like you imagine a surfer. After we arrived there we put on a surfer mentality, means a kind of easy-going-always-relaxed-I don't-give-a-fuck-what-time-it-is-or-how-I'm-smellling Style (actually the last part was just to lengthen the word).
To be honest I was a little confused about the time too because it's another timezone over there which means it's one hour later than our time but I didn't want to change it because I'd feel disloyal. If we were hungry we just watched the position of the sun to say if it was time or not (which worked surprisingly better than we thought). We arrived at about 2 in the morning and we were so tired but we went to the fire to talk and watch the stars after we went to the bungalow were we kept doing shit and joking until 4 or 5 in the morning. 

Poor girl which tried to wake us up at 8 for breakfast she must feel offended after she accepted that we wouldn't stop to ignore her. Anyway we went for breakfast just a little later after that we took our boards and stuff to go to the beach. The beach just in front of the camp was more for beginners and were the surf lessons were held. But we went to another one we just called it, the behind the rocks beach. because there were many rocks between those 2 beaches. the first day we took the way through the rocks as we were walking towards them we've seen a man walking his dog he said there are pretty good waves today, so we made our way over the rocks. it was very impractical to try to climb with boards in the hands and it seemed to get more difficult and more difficult you actually need a climbing gear to manage this situation and tried it without knowing where we are going, we were just like in the movie "endless summer" on our mission to find the perfect wave, that was part of the surf-mentality. Anyway after a while of climbing we came to a point where we couldn't go any further so we went up the hill, what we've seen there was a beautiful view over the whole way we did and the beginners beach but in fact we didn't see the other beach and we couldn't go further because of all the vegetation there. So we went back. We were on our way to the beginners beach when we saw a street, we decided to take it and not even 4 minutes further we reached the other beach..

We were climbing for hours and we were just minutes far from it. What we tried is walking around a half isle which was actually part of a national park..
The Waves there were awesome! This was exactly what we were looking for and the best part  there were maybe 4 other surfers out there. In my surfing career I came to many spots crowded of surfers you had to be careful to not override them and now this, I've never seen better waves before. It was awesome normally if there are big waves you can't get out very good because you'll always pushed back but there it was pretty easy and this showed us even more that we were pro surfers. We took some waves, Joel was complaining as usual and life was good.

That reminds me on something else. Joel, who I know from army, bought these surf shorts, latest high tech shit perfect for surfer. they actually looked pretty cool but he paid 140 bucks for it. He was so angry when I put unfortunately sunscreen on them..

We had wraps for lunch, which I hate since I had to eat them on Fraser Island, after that we went back to the beach and with we I mean Nadja, Orlando and me. The others under the lead of Joel went to the beginners beach. In the afternoon waves were still good not as good as in the morning but still good. We went back for dinner which was pretty good.
After that i went to a Kayak trip.. please lets skip this part..
Okay than not.. There was a Kayak tour on a small river by moonlight. I decided to leave my shirt on the land.. mistake.. there were so many mosquitos, not only that I felt how they sting me but also how they were looking at me and thinking "stupid little human, I don't know if I should take chest or back.." Hey little fuckers, you can call me whatever you want but don't call me little.. I take this serious..!

Back in town there was a big party with a lot of backpackers all over the world. I was so tired that I could only think of sleeping. When I arrived the other were playing the game..
Fuck.. I didn't tell you about the game!

It's easy and very funny!
Take expressions from your language and translate them word by word into english, you will have a lot of fun! some examples:

Blow me in my shoes - Blas mir id schue
You can slide my back down - Chasch mir am Buggu abe rütsche
Sparrowbrain - Spatzehirn
From me out - vo mir us
The train has already left - Dr Zug isch scho abgfahre
I drink you under the table - I trinke di ungere tisch
She let me staying in the rain - Si het mi im rägä la stah
You want to have lamps with me - wetch lämpe mit mir
life is not a cooky - z läbä isch kes güezi

I could continue all day long with this list and I wouldn't get bored, I'm sure this would work in every language (except english).

This party was pretty crazy. Most of the people were drunk. A lot were dancing on the stage boys topless and girls in their bras.
I know what you think now, how could the guys playing the game while girls were dancing in underwear.. but to be honest not all of them were worth look at them.. let me precise that.. Some of them were ugly and embarrassing!

So I went to bed.
Yes I really went to bed! those of you who really know me know, that these kind of parties are exactly me style but not this evening, I was so fucking tired that I just went to bed!
Some of the guys went to bed too, In the middle of the night, Toby came in, drunk, and asked if somebody wants to go to the club.. what the fuck is wrong with you? We are in the middle of nowhere! He said he and some others are going to take a cab into next city.. of course next city is probably 400$ bucks away, if there is any cab driving so far out..

Next morning all had a bad hangover everyone was surprisingly in bed and I felt even more sorry for the girl who was trying to wake us up. Later I discovered about 18 or more mosquito stings on my body, why or more? because I'm not sure about it, some of the stings seemed like the there was more than one mosquito on it.. Good to know that somebody had a party on me..
After breaky we went to the beach and there was no wave, absolutely nothing! like somebody has changed the beach or something like that. We were in water and got freeze because we just stayed there without moving or something. I felt disappointed, the others asked me why I'm so silent.. is it so ridiculous when I'm silent on one day? I mean I know I talk much but is it hard to believe that I just can't be talky everyday?

In the afternoon we went to Byron Bay were we spent 1 and a half hours, no unfortunately I didn't see my biggest fan Sabrina. We spent the time by eating home made apple pie after that we went back to Surfers.

I had the idea about having an Apres-Surf you know just like Apres-Ski but without any snow.. We didn't realize it because everybody slept at about 9..

That was my last weekend in Australia and my last surf opportunity it really was one of the good ones In some weeks when I'm freezing in Switzerland I will definitely watch the pictures and miss this time.


Freitag, 11. Februar 2011

Structure & Exception

So far so good, today it's friday which means I'm gonna graduate next week.
I'm thinking a lot what to say in my speech and yes I have to do one, because everyone expects it from me.

Of course it has to be a funny one, because Urban Survival gained some popularity last days (I guess every class is reading it to show how not to do it).
To be honest, I don't like the graduations speeches.

It's always the same as you can see in the structure I made which is the result of years of research in this subject.

- Thanks (usual for the microphone)
- ... (at this point there is a little break of nervousness)
- Thank you (for the kind words of the teacher)
- I would like to say Thanks to.. (and then they list all the teachers they ever had).. you were awesome.
- I also want to say Thanks to all the staff, the students especially.. (Brazilians, Swiss and Japanese.. the order of nationalities change depending on the person)
- I will miss you guys
- I will miss the (Surf club, Ladies Night  and Brazilian parties.. the order of the parties change depending on the person)
- I'm sure we will see us soon
- Thx!

Imagine hearing this every single Friday from almost all the graduating students..

Of course there are some differences but more or less, they're all the same.


There was once a speech, which really impressed me.
It was a whole course which ended that day and the students prepared a speech.
At the end there was one guy named Hugo (he's in my class now, great guy!)
I actually can't remember everything but I'll try my best.

"Today is a special day! Not only that we finished the course and all of us passed, but also for me and my wife (I was so surprised to hear that this guy is married, he looked as young as me)..
Baby please come to me..
It was exactly today 4 years ago that you said yes to marry me and I just want to say that I still love you more than anything else and I'm so happy to have you on my side..
I love you!"

and then they kissed!

Even I as a tough guy say that this is so cute!
This guy is awesome, you need to have the courage to say something like this in front of the whole school. He is my hero!

I could never say something like this but he is a great example how you should do it!

I'll think a lot about what to say and I'm looking forward to let you guys know what I said.


The 5 Tibetan Monks and the coffee shop

Have you ever had a deja-vu? 
I'm sure you have seen something, what you think you have seen before.
A deja-vu means "already-seen" in french.

But how do we call it when you see something, what you never would expect?
let's call it a jamais-vu which means "never-seen".

Here is a variation of jamais-vu's: 
- a mascot of a team of the other side of the country strolling around in your town.
- a persian girl riding on a tiger through the streets.
- a japanese in a spacesuit eating pancakes
- loads of girls in golden shining bikinis and cowboy hats advertising against breast cancer

I know these are weird examples, except the last one, this you can see everyday in Surfers.

Let me tell you my jamais-vu.
I was on my way to school no I'm not an example of a student I just went to borrow some DVD of the schools library. Anyway as usual I passed "Pancakes in Paradise" where they sell all you can eat pancakes for $9.95 and I still haven't been.
Just after that there is a coffee shop. Not one of these franchise of Starbucks or Gloria Jean's it's just a fine coffee shop where they sell next to coffee, fine home made food. Ironically they have a sign over the register  on which it's written "Proud retailer of Gloria Jean's Coffee"
I've just been once there after I've seen the prices I've never been there anymore..

So as I passed this shop I took a glimpse in the window to check my new hair cut and there they were..
5 Tibetan Monks sitting on the table, laughing and watching a phone while one of them is showing the others something on it.
Please just imagine this picture. I mean you all probably know how a monk from Tibet looks like. A shaved head, brown tan (obviously 'cause they live in the country with the highest altitude), wearing glasses and red copes.

This is so random!
I found myself staring on them in front of the door.
I never met a Tibetan Monk before.. what the hell were they doing here?
This picture was so surprising for me, because one day before we talked about the Dalai Lama in class and that you can feel his presence from a distance of 3 kilometers. 
I felt so.. different, I don't know how to explain!
maybe one of them was the Dalai Lama on his way to enlighten the daunt Australians.

How ever, I felt to write this down and to inform you that I'm planing a spiritual trip this year or next.


If you want to join me, just let me know.
We will see (of course):
Tibet, Nepal, the Himalaya, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, China, North and South Korea (first north then south, just to provoke them), Japan and Transylvania (Oh come on, like, you're not curious to see if the guy from Twilight really exists)

I think it's a very good way to find out about yourself. So please send applications to my mail box containing your CV with references, a motivation letter and a list of all your skills that could be useful on the trip.
If you have the pleasure to have the other sex, just send a picture of you as usual (by the way thx Anna for the picture in the rashie, you'll definitely get a surfers license).


Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2011


Time passes very fast at Gold Coast
I remember like it was yesterday arriving at Brisbane airport. Despite notorious rain, it was very warm for a boy from a cold country wearing a t-shirt, a sweatshirt a sweater, a coat, jeans, shoes and SOCKS! Just being a snobby Swiss.

Now, after 2 months, I feel like home. I'm so used to it wearing slippers. Go out topless and just lie on the beach, not like tourist do lie with a half a bottle of sun blocker on their skin, expensive sunglasses, wide towels and eskies with plenty of food.
No, just lying in the sand with nothing else than your book.

This is lifestyle has even his own expression, it's called the Havaianas style.
The word havaianas is actually a Brazilian brand which distributes slippers all over the world. Everybody in Australia has havaianas, except me indeed. I have billabongs.

What would a Havaianas style be without a luau?
That's why we did one last monday. A luau is just people meeting on the beach, having fun together, joking around and singing "to the sound of a guitar yeah yeah.." .. sorry that reminds me always on Maria Maria.

People from all over the world singing together

I will really miss this kind of lifestyle I'll try my best to keep it and spread it in europe.. which would probably be kind of difficult..

anyway I'm not trying to be sensitive or something like this.. okay I am, but do not tell anybody..!

..Okay this is getting kind of Broke-Back-Mountain-like so what I basically want to say is, I'll miss those luaus..

..thank you for your attention..

Oh, and I hate sheep.. (yes, it's not "sheeps") 
..they're so fluffy



Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2011

To whom it may concern

I know I always refer to movies and so do I this time.
You're probably familiar with the first Spiderman movie. There is a very important quotes from uncle Ben to Peter Parker: "With great power. comes great responsibility" (by the way one of my favorites)
Here is another one from me to you:
"The more famous you become, the more jealous people get"

I'm not saying that I became famous but surprisingly after I was in Oprah's show, I received all these hater mails from all over the world (especially Swissyland and Australia).

Look people I just say this, If you don't like my blog, there is a little cross on the top right side, don't know if you have ever noticed it but it's very useful and of course If you work with a Mac it's on the left top side AND it's a cross as well.

I don't really care what you guys think about my blog and to be honest I just get more clicks because of you which makes my blog even more famous, so.. thanks =)

If you don't believe the story, I don't give a ... you know what I mean, nobody  says you have to believe it.
But the best mails were those trying to explain my grammar mistakes..
Hello? Do I look like I spent hours on my postings? I just write what I think in the easiest way I can imagine (I'm a minimalist). 

By one mail I felt really offended..
A Swiss girl here in Australia.. fuck off, you remember my posting about leaving Switzerland?
There I told you about "Andrea" who I met in the plane.. it was her.. and to be honest her name is Sabrina. Just to clarify who we are talking about.
She almost boasted through the internet line that she became so good in english and really tried to show me my mistakes which I always make in indirect speeches.. Girl if you have enough time to look over my mistakes you better should take up another hobby or just.. you know.. do it silently.
But she reached the peak by asking me if I already learned something while my staying in Australia. 
From this point on I laughed until my laptops battery was low.
But it's kind of sweet how she's concerned about my progress in english. 
I'd just like to remind you young lady when we met, you weren't able to link 2 words with each other without failing.
Maybe she's just unforgiving, for what reason ever.. =)
I really don't want to talk bad about here.. just go and have a look in here Blog if you want to find out more about her.. unfortunately I can't pass on her link because of the fact that she blocked me on facebook.

Anyway to show that I take her message seriously I asked Rob to have a look on my writing.

And for all the other haters and know-it-alls out there, thanks for making me important for your life =)

Hope to hear from you soon (I really do, I'll collect them and one day I'm gonna post them).


Sonntag, 6. Februar 2011

2nd Script

speechless |ˈspē ch lis|
unable to speakesp. as the temporary result of shock or some strong emotion he was speechless with rage.
(Referring to the previous posting: Opera & Oprah)
Dear jealousTo prevent speechlessness in TV drink a shot of virgin olive oil before getting on the stage.I did it and this is so weird. Actually it was a joke which I took to serious fortunately nobody had seen how I was trying to swallow the rest of it which I couldn't take off my throat. Although the whole crew laughed on me, it worked.
I can say this it was amazing. When I landed in Sydney airport a driver was waiting for me, he was carrying this movie-like sign with my name and "Urban Survival" as the name of the organization, that was probably the best part over there.His name was Marc, so he took me to the hotel in his roofless Jeep, I didn't bring my sunglasses but he seemed prepared and gave me one.So I checked inn in the Watermark Hotel a boy carried my luggage upstairs. The room was pretty cool, there was a fruits basket laying on the table with a message:
Dear ArdiI hope you had a good flight and you'll enjoy your stay. Please meet me at 3.00 pm in the lobby for a short briefing and the schedule.yours faithfully 
Rebecca GallagherAssistant Director
I took a glimpse on my watch.. f**k.. quarter past. So I went downstairs, without having a shower or changing. There she was. Becca was pretty cool but so busy she had this little bluetooth headset in her ear (and I've never seen her without) and a palm in her hands.she gave me a lot of paper about my schedule full of, briefings (there were even briefings for briefings, hello?), make-up appointments (like make up could cover this!) meetings with different people, meals etc. they thought about everything except the fact that I need to go to the restroom from time to time..
So I went upstairs to have a shower and stuff then I thought lets have a look in my blog..that was the point I became speechless. 463 visits in the last 4 hours. Thats new record! I contemplated about that, I mean when this whole circus is going to be shown my number of visitors will increase dramatically. Am I ready for this? What If disappoint people? I thought f**k off, Oprah laughed because of me why not the rest of the world!
Then I had these meetings where they asked me thousand of questions about my life like: - Did you feel lonely when you started the blog? Noo!- Are you sure?..noo =(- Is you blog a late effect of the divorce of your parents trying to reach attention?wtf?- Have you ever been attracted by men while your service in army?hahahahahah.. where do you know that from?
And stuff like this. In the end they knew more about me than I do.Than they explained me everything about the process and I met Joe the director of the show.Joe was the coolest guy ever and my biggest fan although he told I got so many mistakes.. so what? I'm not a native, they even asked me If I want to have it orthographically corrected.. I refused it for the reason, that nobody than me touches my blog!some hours before the show I noticed that everyone had a printed version of my blog and they called it "the second script". Becca's script had thousand of post-its in it with notes about the questions I had to answer before. Then I met her.. (wait we need a new passage for that..)
Then I met her.. Oprah Winfrey!She came over to me with a big smile in her face and just said: "You most be the awesomeness Ardi!" Omg so embarrassing of course she read my blog and knows about my arrogance.. But now it was tim to act smooth!I replied: "yes!" in such a cool way that it's hard to explain.We talked a little about her favorite postings. She liked "Revolution" the most!And then we talked about my 3rd posting "Against iPhone" Omg she said, she doesn't like iJustine neither. She said she's annoying and just talks about stuff nobody cares or nobody should care! I love Oprah! She took my nervousness from me.
The show, as I already said, I took this shot of olive oil.. ha ha ha so funny Tim.. (idiot!)The studio was full but I couldn't see anybody because of all the lights showing on the stage, I just hear people applauding.She asked me about Urban Survival, how difficult it must be to write in another language, about me, army (but she didn't mention the stuff about the attraction), future plans, How much I miss home, what do I like and what not in Australia, etc.They showed different passages of my blog on a wide screen in combination with Oprah's comments, that was funny, I laughed because of my own jokes.Was very funny, In the beginning I was really concerned about If my english is good enough to withstand Oprah's questions, but she spoke very clear and slow.
Was amazing, I can't wait to see it on TV, they gave me a tape of the whole show and said they're gonna inform me by mail when the show is going to be released for TV.
In the evening I had dinner with Oprah, Joe, William (owner of the channel) and Jennifer (Williams daughter).Was a very nice evening. Oprah knows so many stories to talk about, she told us about her favorites. She said that todays show was pretty funny 'cause normally the shows get very emotional or sensitive.
Now I'm back in Surfers Paradise. This weekend was amazing I'll never forget that, Thanks Oprah and the whole channel 9 team for this unbelievable experience!