Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2011

Back in Town

That's the first thing I discovered after I arrived in Zürich.
Before I even went to get my luggage, I walked straight into the next restroom to change.
Instead of tongues I wore shoes AND socks!
Instead of shorts Jeans, long ones of course!
instead of a t-shirt.. well actually I've still worn a t-shirt but over this 3 more things..

To get out of the airport I had to take the train, for those who have never been in the airport train in Zürich, it's a must! You'll hear people singing in native style and there it was, my first "grüezi" which means "hi" in swiss despite it came through the speakers I was happy =)

Panic came over me as I was waiting for my stuff.
"If you see a red, embarrassing suitcase, it's mine." I told Krista.
I couldn't tell here that my suitcase is actually purple, that would be even more embarrassing. 
I was worried if my suitcase went instead to Singapore..

Finally it arrived and I went through to the exit, where I found immediately the white smiling faces which were waiting for me =)
Carrying this big  sign with my name on it, there were waiting about 46 people of whom I knew only the half, the other half were some bored gangsters from the ghetto Spreitenbach which didn't know what else to do.
On one sign there was even Oprah's name.. did he expect Oprah is coming with me? Poor idiot? She's coming in a few weeks... not!

My people were so surprised I still knew how to speak german.. of course I do, in Surfers there were even more Swiss than in my neighborhood (and the worst part.. it's true!)
Back in Swissyland (I call it Swissyland because Rob used to call it this way -> wherever he is) we went to eat. guess where.. Mc'Donalds.. yeah, but at least I paid with swiss money.. actually my friend paid because haven't been at the "ATM" yet.. I'm such an asshole.. 

Even my cousin came to see me at the airport, he looks like usual, dressed weird but he doesn't care :D 
Then we went for a coffee and guess where.. right Starbucks.. I came to Switzerland for the same shit I had over there..
After that we went to my place, it was so unusual to drive on the right side of the street =) I was sitting in front and all 4 minutes I looked back to my friends and smiled because I was happy.. I love you people!

Finally we arrived home with all 54 people (right we picked up another 8). I was so surprised when I saw my brothers taller than before, my younger bro was always a midget but now he reached the level of the Lonney Tunes. my youngest brother was as tall as me when I left and I'm already tall but now he is even 4 cm taller than me, so he's 212 cm now.. kidding!

Some of the gangsters of Spreitenbach slept in my place 'cause they missed the train back home and we did Pasta together.. like I had not enough Pasta in Australia.. but my mom is still in Canada so I couldn't enjoy yet her meals.

Although I went to bed at 1 a.m. I woke up 5 and a half hours later.. hello where are we.. in army? So I washed the dishes and went to the library to study for my test. I was not even that bad but still got to learn a lot. 

All the people look at me like I'm a weirdo, I know I am, but they didn't look at me like this before. Maybe it's strange for them seeing someone tanned in this time.. they're just jealous but another 3 days and I'm sure I'm gonna be as white as them.. 

I'm really disappointed because there is no snow. "Be happy" would most people say, but I'm not! I'd like to go snowboarding and this seems only possible on my xbox 360..

Swiss sucks!


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