Sonntag, 20. Februar 2011

Mysterious Graduation

After an 11 weeks course I finally reached the day of my graduation.
But the circumstances of this day were different than all the other graduations I’ve seen.

1 Day before I left school it all started..
It was a usual day at Langports, everything was how it’s supposed to be.
My teacher Rob brought a box to school with which we probably should practise the oral speaking test of the CAE test, why I know this? It was written on it and he asked me what I’d like to do on my last week and I said: speaking.
By then I couldn’t know that we would never see what’s inside...

We had the usual break but then it started. Rachel told us through the speakers that we would have 10 more minutes of break which I’ve never seen before in all my almost 3 months at surfers.

I knew something is wrong.

After break I saw Rachel instead of Rob standing in my classroom she wanted to be funny and said “I’m the new Rob”.. Nobody laughed..
Then she told us Rob is in a meeting, I knew she’s lying so the following Conversation started:

A: “Where is Rob really?”
R: “In a meeting as I already said”
A: “No he’s not”
R: “How could you know?”
A: “Lady, my Job in army was to find information in several ways, I’ve been taught to how to find the truth and a lie and I was good in my Job, your body language is contrasting so tell us the truth NOW!”
R: “Well.. that’s interesting.. but..”
R: “Nothing..”
R: “Nothing, SIR, I’m just not allowed to speak about it, SIR”
A: “Proceed”

I had to let her go..
So we had class with Rachel, don’t get this in a wrong way I like her but.. okay that’s a lie I don’t like her, I just say I like her because she’s really hot for her age. When a student asks her something difficult, you can see how she gets confused and then she takes a big breath just to make her breast even bigger, just to confuse you.

Anyway in the evening somebody told me that Rob quit nobody knows why.. First I thought this was a joke but then I started to realise it could be possible. Something must have happened during the break.

Next day I came late to school, it was my last day so I didn’t care. I wanted to go and check my mails but I passed next to my classroom to see if Rob was there. Jo was sitting on the teacher’s chair when she saw me she asked me in.
Polite like I am I went in. although I knew, I asked her where Rob is, she told me that he quit but couldn’t tell me why. I was worried, I’m so curious that I have to know what happened.

Later that day I had my graduation speech. I was so cool, not a little nervous like I’m used to it standing on a stage, but who would say something about me when Rob was not there? I hoped Marc, He was me teacher in my first 5 weeks.
Then my name was called..

Marc was standing there, he gave me my certificate, 98% of attendance.. holy shit!
He said I improved very well, my English is incredible and that he sent me just after a few weeks into level 6. I did exceptionally well, congratulations and all the best.
Then we hugged..
It was not one of these gay hugs you know.. It was a male hug!

My speech.. I remember everything but I really didn’t plan what to say.

“Wow so many people here.. (Laugh) my Mom always told me that if I’m nervous I should just imagine all the people in underwear..(Laugh) let’s try.. (Close my eyes.. open them..) Sexy! (Big Laugh)!
(At this point I would like to mention my graduation picture, it was a Kangaroo but he looked really stoned! I shot this picture by my own)
Yeah and by the way this picture.. it’s me after my first Brazilian party (Laugh)

To be honest, I think the most boring part of the school are the graduation speeches, because it’s always the same.. Students say tendentiously 7 to 10 times thank you, 1 out of 3 mentions either Brazilian party or Surf club etc (Laugh).
So I would like to change this today.. Instead of saying thank you I would like to say.. you’re welcome.. (Huge Laugh)
You’re Welcome Rob, wherever you are, and Marc for having me in your class, (laugh) you’re welcome Rebecca for giving me my first warning in my first week for not speaking English in school, you’re welcome Chris for being your favourite library student and you’re welcome students for having fun with me. (Huge Laugh)
You’re welcome Langports!”

Actually there was some more, but I can’t tell you! First of all you wouldn’t believe it and second, you need to know the whole context to get this, but you wouldn’t believe the whole context so let’s keep it like this.
I just say.. I’m a legend in school now.
In the end, I had a standing ovation, people were crying and begging me to stay.
Even in Adam's, my principal, eyes I've seen a tear.

Thanks for everything you're welcome and have fun!


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