Samstag, 26. Februar 2011

Breaking News

I already told you guys that I have this Kick Ass exam in about 2 weeks.
I arrived on Sunday from Australia and from then on, I was studying every day for 5-8 hours in the library. I did  good progress but it still wasn't enough to pass this Test.

Most worried I was about the Accounting and the French part.

Today something unexpectedly and unbelievable happen.
I was sitting in the Law Library of the University of Bern (I like to act like a law student).
I was learning this accounting crap of which I already dreamed about because I've seen it so often this week. As I was reading the part about taxes, I got an message of my brother.
He told me that today it came a letter of the school I had applied for. 
(First I was angry about why this asshole opened my letter)
He told me that they wrote I got a free access.
Which means I don't have to write the exam =)

I am so happy, because I already thought about negotiating with the principal about having more time for the test and then this..

I am so happy, this was so unexpectedly I was already thinking about cleaning my rifle for army. 

My friends still don't know about it (actually they will.. as soon as I press "publishing post") but I wont tell them.. Okay not all of them.

Oh and of course I will continue studying because this school is not easy and I'd like to have a good mark.

Thank you Mrs. Schwaller for this letter, I love you ;)
Thank you friends for believing in me!

Oh and good luck for those of you, who still have to do it =)


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